The Morning Before

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You wake up at 8am, the interview is at 12. You get up, have a shower, get dressed and have breakfast. Your family chat blows up with good luck texts just as your dad phones you.

D: "how are you feeling?"
Y/N: "everything but nervous, I'm ready! This is my step into the big world"
D: "just be yourself, they will love you no matter what!"
Y/N: "I'm off, don't want to be late"
D: "I love you! Good luck"
Y/N: "I'll need it!"

You leave your cramped London flat and get into your car.

Y/N: "if only they gave me a company car"

You leave the outskirts of London and head towards Woking.

*It takes you just under 2 hours to get to the McLaren Technology Centre. You have 25 minutes until your interview with the head of the PR and Marketing department.*

You drive up to the visitors entrance gate and the security ask for your name.

Y/N: "it's Y/N, I'm here for an interview"
S: "ah yeh I see you here! Well good luck!"
Y/N: "I'll need it"

You park up and begin to panic as you walk towards the doors, you walk up and almost attempt to push the doors open, before these huge glass panels open themselves.
You walk up to the kind lady sitting behind the reception desk as she asks you your name, you tell her and she asks you to wait.

R: "someone will come get you soon"

You wait and wait and wait a bit longer.

Before you know it the interview was over, you end it will saying you feel you are well suited for the role of marketing and social media coordinator. With your degree in marketing and well run social media platform, you expect to be at least considered.
You leave the building as the walk back to car seemed daunting. You didn't want to leave.

The car ride home felt like it took forever but you eventually got back to you small cramped flat.

Three weeks of July Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt