Chapter 10

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You watch as Dandy drove off towards the freak show.

You decided to stay home after last night.

You needed a break from everything, and everyone.

You promised yourself that you wouldn't go back to your old ways.

But you slipped back.

It was like you were walking perfectly fine in a hallway and you suddenly slipped on spilled oil, sending you back done that hallway.

Your past had to stay your past. And even Dandy couldn't change that.

You couldn't let that other person back in your head.

Today was also the party that was going to be "different" than the others.

You hope it would be. If you saw one more black tie dinner party you would loose your shit.

Dandy seemed like he had been planning this party since he was in preschool.

He was supposed to pick up your clothing for the night after he visited the freak show.

He told you it was "surprise!" when you asked what horrid thing he was trying to make you wear.

You expected it to be colorful and matching with dandys outfit.

The main thing you wondered was, who did he all invite?

The whole town? The whole state? Who knows, he could've invited the president.

Your luck, it would be some rich asshole you beat black and blue because they refused to give you money.

A sudden noise came from downstairs, you weren't expecting anyone or anything.

You crept down the stairs slowly, trying to figure out who or what it was.

You slowly got closer and opened the door without hesitation.

Of course, it was Jimmy Darling.

You both stood in silence staring at each other awkwardly.

"Hey y/n.. I need to talk"

"Sure, come in" you smiled.

"Where's that Dandy boy?" He asked. You stopped walking as he said Dandys name.

You then realized that Dandy lied about going to the freakshow.

"He went out earlier, he'll be back soon. I hope.."

"How have you been? Are you happy here?" He spoke.

"I'm doing good, I actually enjoy it here" you smiled.

"That's good, I need to see the twins" he got to the point quickly.

"Oh... uh. Well, they're with Dandy. They just love spending time out with him" you lied.

"Aren't you jealous or something? I would be pissed if my girlfriend was going around with other men everyday"

"No, I guess I'm just not the jealous type" you

He paused.

"I think your lying... you know you can talk to me, right?" He whispered.

"Yeah, I'm fine. And I'm not lying. Anyways, why are you being so nice to me?" you smiled

"I just feel like you need a good friend" he chuckled.

"A good friend?"

"Yes, a good friend. Is there a problem with that?" He questioned.

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