Chapter 8

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Blood was splattered all over your face and the doorstep.

You felt unstoppable. Dandy was standing behind you smiling as you held a gun.

"You did it again, love" he said excitedly. "Yes, I know I did idiot. Lets not be stupid, help me clean this up"

2 hours earlier

The only thing on your mind was jimmy, he could barge into the house at anytime without a warning.

He could find us in the act of cleaning up, or worse. Doing the killing.

A sudden sound came from the front door. You stared Dandy in the eyes as he went to check the door.

"Regina! How lovely to see you here!" Dandy said. You got up to go see this "Regina"

"I'm here to see my mother. She hasn't answered any of my calls" she replied forcefully.

"Who is this, Dandy?" "My names y/n, I'm Dandys girlfriend!" You said.

"Girlfriend? Bullshit." She replied looking him straight in the eyes.

Regina pushed herself between you and Dandy. She began to search the house. "Bitch" you whispered.

Dandy ran over to Regina as she began to walk up the stairs. "She went out for some cooking goods!" Dandy said.

You knew that was wrong. He got use to lying so much that it scared you.

You did know if every word he had spoke to you was all a lie. You prayed that it was real love.

"She's been out that long for 'cooking goods'?!" "Its been 2 weeks"

You already wanted to hit this bitch in the back of her head and get it over with. She didn't know how to shut up.

"She has to constantly go back and forth!" "Yes, she had just left like 20 minutes ago" you replied trying to back Dandy up.

"I killed her! It felt very pleasant" Dandy had suddenly blurted out.

Your jaw dropped as he said those words. "Your crazy! Im getting the police!" Regina said running towards the door.

As she ran out, you gave Dandy a concerning look.
"Whats wrong darling?" "We are dead! You just fucking exposed us!"

"Oh calm down, we have a thing called rich privilege" he replied.

You weren't completely sure what he meant by that but you knew it could go incredibly well or incredibly wrong.

"If that doesn't work Dandy.. I'm killing you first when I get out of jail. It depends if I get a damn death sentence" you blurted out with rage.

You froze as you said that. You just threatened Dandy's life, what was wrong with you.

"Excuse me?!" He grabbed your throat. Your vision had begun to get blurry as he held you up.

You began to loose feeling everywhere.

Before you were close to death, Dandy dropped you too the floor.

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