When he kisses her temple I have had enough. Jealousy. It burns me to cinder and I deny to allow this feeling take over me again.

That wanker doesn't deserve her. It is simple at that.

That idiot doesn't even know his business associate are cruel drug lords. Were. Who doesn't even notice his supposed girlfriend is being uncomfortable in presence of François.

Even though my emotions right now are under liquid influence, I am feel sure about what I am going to do.

The only lips that should plant on her, will be mine. I might not deserve her too but she is mine anyway. I have stayed away from her enough. I tried doing right by her enough. This time I am not letting her slip. I cannot let everything I love slip. Everytime.

Emptying the bottle into my system, I throw it at the foot of seats of the car. I bite down on my lip painfully to curb down the bubbling rage and venom.

I fish out my phone and call her.

I watch her tense as she looks at the screen of her phone. Her face panicked, at the private number.

I doubt she would pick. But I hope she does. I don't want to create a scene in one of the busiest streets of LA.

She does pick up . And before she has the chance to say hello I speak, by voice coming out calmer than I expected, "You failed to inform me that your boss was your boyfriend Theresa.." I feel sick, as I charge her.

She is far but I can clearly see her horror stricken face.

Yes baby, I found you. I always find you, specifically in the company of men. Other men whom I despise.

" If you wanted to have a coffee date with him... You could have just asked me.... You didn't have to put Ruby's life on line for that now. Innit?" I taunt her with my voice sweet. Even though inside I feel like ripping Nathan to shreds.

And she steps back from the wanker in haste. She looks around, being caught. Her face pales but beautiful.

A chuckles slips past my lips. I know what I about to do is terribly wrong and I might regret this after the alcohol has left my system. But this woman leaves me with no other choice. She makes me insane every time. Yet I need her. Crave her.

" Ha_"

"Shhhh... Princesss..." I silence her calmly unlike the anger constricting my system. "You have said enough.... See that fucker off and come get in the black Mercedes behind you..."

She gulps. It's clear even with the hustle around her.

" What's wrong tessa..." I hear his voice through the line... I watch him bend forward, tilting his face down, flashing fake concern.

And I want to get out of the car, reach him and smash his head on the floor. Until the visuals of his blood calm me down.

Instead I swallow the rage opening another bottle I grabbed from the hotel.

" It's your choice Teresa. Loose him or I'll go shooting
him. Not to mention Ruby is still waiting for my verdict.... " I threaten when she doesn't answer. My irritation and rage growing with each passing second I see them together.

" Ok... Please... Ok... Don't do that.... " She mumbles frantically, finally. Her head bobbing vigorously up and down.

" What is happening, just tell me... " That motherfuckers speaks again. Only because of the liquid patience I am not charging out the car.

" Good five minutes " I say and disconnect. If I hear him speak one more time I will launch bullet through his skull and Theresa wouldn't be able to calm my drunk arse.

Indulgence ( PATIENCE #2) Where stories live. Discover now