Chapter 18

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Here she stood scared for her life. Not really knowing what the love of her life would say or do when she walked down the isle she was dressed in a yellow like kimono her hair did in a bun with yellow flower pins decorated it , and one big flower was at the lower part of her bun. She smiled she had decided to walk barefooted since it was the night and nature was her number one thing.

" are you ready dumbass?" Her brother has spoken he was walking her down the isle the women raised her hand smacking him upside the back of his head making him look away.

" call me a dumbass one more time on my wedding we are having boar." She sneered making the male flip down his words he was going to spit at her.

" though thank you brother for doing this..thank you so much." She spoke her red stained lips curling into a smile as her eyes seemed to water.

" hey matter what I'll walk you down this isle we are family no matter what other people say." He spoke out his words seemed kinder and like he finally knew what he was saying making the female smile at him.

" I love you Insokue the great.." she spoke a laugh coming out of her at the childish name they had for each other though her brothers eyes widened.

" so let us go onward young sted." He whispered as they looked at each other Shizen bowed her head back a bit as she kissed his forehead a tear wanting to escape her eyes.

The doors opened as she now stood straight her head held high as she say how nezuko had threw the petals out now sitting in her box as one of her bride maids.

she walked up there arm and arm with Insokue until they reached the top. Zenitsus eyes widening as he saw her in yellow how it made her dark skin shine in the moon light and how her eyes held love.. love for him.

" This woman, I marry
No matter what the health situation is I will love this person Respect this person Console this person Help this person
Until death Protecting fidelity I swear." Zenitsu spoke after the minister as he held her hands in his.

" this man I marry" she spoke a smile on her plump lips and a twinkle in her eyes.

"Zenitsu, you this woman marry and become her partner. Will you in peaceful times, during sickness, this person love, this person respect, this person comfort, this person help, until death, do you promise to fulfil?" The minster spoke to him.

" yes I promise." He spoke his voice full of emotion as it seemed he wanted to cry.

" Shizen, you this man marry and become his partner.
Will you in peaceful times, during sickness, this person love, this person respect, this person comfort, this person help, until death, do you promise to fulfill."

" yes I promise" she spoke as she saw Zenitsu smile brightly at her.

" you may now share your vows if you have any." The minster spoke as they both nodded there heads.

" I'm gonna go first!" Shizen spoke loudly making the people laugh at her.

" Zenitsu when I saw you I first wanted to hurt you, but over the time I felt something I never felt not like the eating Poison ivy in the type of feeling ." She spoke the people laughing at the women ,but mostly concerned how she didn't die.

"but the feeling you feel when you look at a flower and it smells so good. I felt that with you..and I wanted to pluck you up as soon as I saw you..but I didn't. To me your amazing that one flower no one saw in the meadow and I'm glad I took the time to find you." She spoke as she seemed to start to cry tears slipping off her face.

Zenitsu seemed as if his tears started to fall though he started on his vows. "Shizen when I first met you steps I couldn't believe you were that boys brother at all you seemed so beautiful so amazing you made me feel worthy of someone like I could fight for them and they wouldn't feel weak for them having to fight for made me feel worth it" he spoke softly.

The minster smiled at both at them before saying out loud to them both.

" you may kiss the bride."

Shizen quickly wrapped her arm around Zenitsu waist capturing his lips the kiss was long and sweet.

Though when they departed Zenitsu was tart red his lips stained red at that.

" I love you."

" I love you too"

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