chapter 2

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After the repeating apology Shizen was now the leader of the group pushing them to go. While Zenitsu walked behind of fear finding another demon and to admire the women's appearance she was so beautiful how the sun shimmered on her cameral like skin. He heard a twig snap and he ran to the nature pillar holding onto like a kola would on a tree. This startled poor Shizen her braids were swinging from left to right trying to figure out what was wrong until she spotted the yellow haired boy grasping a hold of her. It was a very odd sight to behold cause the poor girl really did look like a tree.

Zenitsu had tears going down his face he was scared Shizen looked at what was happening and saw a squirrel zoom by. "Um yellow thing it was just a squirrel" she looked at shaking him to try and let him ungrasp her body though he only held onto the girl tighter.

"You are so sweet I see why they call you the nature pillar!" he shouted still tears leaking from his face the the girl just fell to the ground making the boy ack in pain him at the bottom and her at the top. Her braids were in her face her gray eyes shimmering. He was a blushing mess looking a her and how he was at the bottom only made it worse.

"You know for a yellow thing I like you" she smiled at him for the boy to only look away in embarrassment he wasn't use to girls coming onto him. He was the one go say things like that.

Inosuke saw this and started to yell at the poor boy making him roll from up under the nature pillars grasp and run yelling in fright. Tanjiro only looked at this situation with a smile maybe someone would finally care for Zenitsu even though he did cry a lot at what had happened well happens...

Shizen stood up from the ground dusting off the dirt that had been collocted onto them it was her fault.

"HEY WE NEED TO GO INOSUKE WE ARE NOT AS WILD AS ANIMALS LEAVE THE YELLOW THING ALONE!!" she shouted running to her brother to head butt the boy down to the ground knocking him out for her to puff her chest out like bird and laughed.

"SEEMS LIKE I HAAVE A KNOCK OF KNOWLEDGE!" she yelled out crackling with a crazed laugh pointing her finger at the boy on the ground who was knocked out cold Zenitsu looked at this in shock you would think the two siblings would care for each other and be lovley dovey somewhat.

Guess poor Zenitsu never saw to wild boars siblings cause it isn't what he would think. HE maybe take back what he had said about the nature pillar until he saw her kick her brother and a frown form onto her plump lips and it seemed as though she was going to cry and she looked at Zenitsu.

"Do you think I knocked his soul outta him just wanted to knock some common sense...." she trailed off for both Zenitsu and Tanjiro to give the same response.


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