Chapter 7

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Shizen looked at the place in wonderment they had finally got to the estate she was giddy still carrying Zenitsu still holding her. She had entered the other two behind her as she entered she jumped Giyu the boy on her shoulders falling. " Giyu I am wed!" She shouted in the water pillars ear making him wince .

" Shizen stop jumping me and you got married who would want to marry you?" He stated looking at the girl with a face so straight making her pout at the look she had received from the boy

" Of course someone would want me! Who wouldn't ?" She queered out looking at the male who was trying to make her release her.

Tanjiro looked at Zenitsu who had woken up with a pout on his face." Are you ok?" He asked his friend who shook his head.

" I wanna be that." He motioned to Shizen who was now hitting Giyu to gain his attention until she looked at the boy who was pouting and ran to him with smile on his face.

" Oh yellow thing! I am sorry did I throw you to hard?" She questioned the boy slowing as he nodded him looking at the girl who quickly grasped her haro and ripped it taking it and wrapping it around his hand to try and help him in anyway. " I am so sorry." She spoke out to the yellow haired boy who was a blushing mess muttering it's ok and don't worry.

Giyu watched with interest she was growing.. girly it was a odd sight to see the toughest pillar fawning over a boy. She quickly turned around her braids turning as she looked at the black haired boy her eyes saying I know what you are thinking.

He quickly looked away not wishing to be beat by the girl. Shizen quickly hoisted the boy up. " We are going to the flower estate." She stated to the water pillar who looked at her like he could care less about what was going on in her estate.

" What is that place?" Tanjiro asked really confused as there was supposed to be a meeting that was the whole point of getting her. Plus it kind of felt like they were getting kidnapped besides Zenitsu giggling at being carried by his wife and Inosuke threating to kill the yellow haired boy who would only reply back .

"I am about to be your brother in law respect me!" He would shout at the boar for him to only grow agitated at this and try to harm him with trying to headbutt the poor yellow haired boy, but would be quickly stopped whenever the girl would pull his head in annoyance at what was happening and with her brother yelling for all the animals to hear them and it was annoying.

" SHUT UP OK YOU BOAR!" She shouted making everyone be quiet at what she had said.

" Yes ma'am.." they all muttered out the rest of the journey was quiet.

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