Gold star

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4 weeks later

I fell on the ground and felt Bowie's arms support me as I sobbed. I heard the nurse walk out of the room and I felt Shelly and Andrew, calebs parents, standing over their baby boy. Watching as the life got sucked out of him. As I layed on the cold hospital ground breaking down, I heard the beeps of calebs heart beat slowing down. I looked up and saw the usual bright, happy, Caleb draining into a cold grey body that I didn't know. I stood up as I heard the beeping come to a stop, and the nurse come to turn all the machines off. I walked out, silently trying to collect myself. I don't know where I was going or what I was doing but all I knew is that I need alcohol.


I skipped out of school and got in my dads car after saying by to Mia and Caleb. My dad smiled at me and turned down the radio a bit.

"How was school sweetie?"

"It was super good, I got a gold star for being good and at recess we found some cool rocks!" I said with beaming smile.

"That's my girl, your momma will be proud. Do you wanna go see her today?"

"Yeah I wanna show her this pretty picture I drew today too!" I rambled on about my little pony picture before we arrived at the hospital. My dad opened the door for me and held my hand as we walked to mommas room. As soon as I saw her laying in her bed I ran up and jumped on her to give her a hug.

"Careful Rory, be gentle on momma." My dad chuckled and my mom continued hugging me.

"Hey sugar, I haven't seen you in a bit. " she tucked my strawberry blonde behind my ear and cupped my face. She looked green and had eye bags and looked very tired.

"Hi momma, look what I got in school today! A gold star!"  I held up my shirt which had the gold sticker on it.

"That's great baby." She smiled as best as she could and my dad came to pick me up off of her. "Hey I wanna see momma."

"Momma has to rest, nurse Lydia can go get you some ice cream and you can come back and see mommy. "

"Okay, I'll be back mommy!" She let out a weak smile before I left with nurse Lydia.

I came back ready to go talk with mommy again, but instead I saw doctors running inside the room, I heard shouting in her room and I saw dad standing outside her room crying. I ran up to him and pulled on his shirt to get his attention.

"Hey rory, mommy's gonna be okay. She just needs some help from the doctors. Daddy's just worried. " he smiled amidst his tears and I put my head in his shoulder while he picked me up. "I hope momma will be okay. "


I woke up to me in a strange room, on a strange bed. I found my phone beside me and I turned it on to see the time, it was 3:12 am. What the  hell happened last night?  I heard a door opening and Bowie walking in. He was wearing flannel pants and a Nike sweatshirt. He looked very tired and had puffy red eyes. He looked startled that I was awake but quickly collected himself.

"Hey ro, do you need anything?" He came to sit next to me on the bed and held my hands in his.

"Um. Yeah? Why wouldn't I be. And also where are we??"

"Last night, after- well you know. You got hammered and I found you walking the streets crying, you stumbled into the road and fell and I ran in front of you and pulled you back on the side walk. You almost got hit by a car if I wasn't there. So I brought you to my house because I figured you weren't stable enough to be alone. I hope that was okay"

"Yeah of course but what do you mean after last night? What happened that made me get so drunk?" I pulled my hands out of his and looked at him concerned, he wiped his face with his hands and continued.

"You went to go visit Caleb last night, I asked to come with and when we went the nurses said they were about to call you and had already called caleb's parents. They were gonna take Caleb off of life support, he had shown no change."

"No." I stood up and paced around Bowie's room.

"Ro I'm sorry, he's gone. "

"No. I don't even REMEMBER saying goodbye. This is a dream and I'm going to wake up. I'm just gonna wake up and go see Caleb and everything will be fine. "

"So you wanna go back to when you didn't know me?"

"Yes because I'd still HAVE CALEB. " I lost my temper. "I like you Bowie but I just want everything to go back to how it was. I cannot LIVE without Caleb. I just don't know what I'm gonna do. "

"You have me, I'd do anything for you. And you would do anything for me. You can get over Caleb, I'll be here for you." He stood up and placed his hand on my shoulders to steady me. I felt something that I couldn't really put a name on. My shoulders un-tensed and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Bowie, I just. I miss him already." I tear fell down my cheek and Bowie wiped it and placed a kiss on my lips. He pulled away and gave me a tender warm hug. I couldn't help but pretend it was Caleb who was hugging me. I had a horrible feeling in my gut and I don't know why.

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