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"I DID WHAT??" I screamed in horror while Caleb cracked up. Shelly left the kitchen, probably because she knew Caleb was about to get smacked.

"Rory you just grinded up on a boy or two, it's no big deal." he said as he grinned ear to ear.

"Yeah maybe it isn't for you." I held my face in my hands and prayed no one saw me last night, suddenly me and Caleb's phones buzzed.

Mia added Caleb and Mason to a group

C: what is this

R: Mia why did you add me

M: hey bestie's whats up

Mia: so my parents feel bad that they were out of town for my birthday last summer so they are letting me bring friends to the family beach house in Cali

M: sick

C: ayeeeee

R: when

Mia: probably next weekend

mason changed the group name to bad bitches

I looked up to see mason smiling at his phone still. " I'm gonna go shower, is that okay?"

"Yeah duh" I smiled at him and left the kitchen.


The week had passed by surprisingly fast, besides for a few tests and being dragged along to Caleb's practices since I didn't have a car- it was a pretty good week. Mia and Mason were so excited for this weekend, they apparently had gone downtown to get us a bunch of supplies from those cute little shops down there. They didn't really get anything we actually needed but it's the thought that counts I guess. Our plan was to take Caleb's dads SUV since it has enough room for everyone. Caleb was picking everyone up at around 8 AM Saturday morning, since it was a couple hour drive we wanted to get there early.

I decided to bring a couple different swimsuits and outfits especially since I knew Mia would want to pick outfits for me. I wore my favorite bright red stringed bikini, it matched my hair perfectly and I just loved the way it looked on me. I threw on some acceptable jean shorts and A dark green tank top over my swimsuit. My phone buzzed saying Caleb was here to pick me up. I ran downstairs before my dad could ask where I was going, he didn't care anyways but still.

When I got in the car I saw mason in his lavender swim bottoms and a white tank top that complemented his blond hair and toned muscles perfectly. I jumped in shotgun and he shot me his award winning smile. We started driving and belted out some high school musical songs. We picked up Mia and I noticed her wiggling her eyebrows suggestively in the backseat. By the time we got mason it was about 9:15.

I passed the time by sleeping even though everyone said to stay awake so we could all do karaoke, I decided I would 100% pass on that. When we got there I felt Caleb shaking me awake and I heard Mason laughing hysterically as Mia got outside the car and went to unlock the house. The boys went outside to unload everything from the trunk, I groggily fell out of the car and walked up to Mia standing on the porch. She started smirking and noticed my confused unbothered expression. "Soo, you and Caleb, huh? anything i should know about?" I rubbed my eyes and looked at her again. "What are you talking about, of course there's nothing going on." She rolled her eyes and continued on. "Okay well I just haven't seen him act like that before."

"Act like what??"

"Did you not- he put a blanket on you and while we stopped for gas, he stared at you for a good 2 minutes, I swear he was drooling. " I elbowed her and laughed awkwardly.

Obviously Caleb was just being a good friend when he put the blanket on me. I probably looked cold, right? But why would he stare at me though. He probably just zoned out.

Mia finally opened up the door which was apparently stuck or something, when I walked in I immediately noticed the smell of sunscreen and the very rich looking marble counters, leather couches, flat screen TV, and staircase over looking the living room/kitchen. "Wow ok i didn't know you were this rich." I teased and we both laughed when the boys came inside carrying our bags. We went to go claim rooms and realized there were only 3 rooms.

"Not it" Mia and Mason yelled at the same time. They started cracking up as me and Caleb stared at each other. I tried to swallow down my embarrassment even though I knew I was already red as a tomato. Caleb cleared his throat and nodded toward the room. "So uh.. I can sleep on the floor if you want, or I can sleep on the couch downstairs."

"No that's okay. You take the bed I can sleep somewhere else, I mean I could just-" I was cut off by Mia coughing

"Cough cough just share the goddamn room cough cough." Mason pushed us inside as the other two went to go get settled into their rooms.

"So uh.. we could share the bed if you wanted I guess we have before." I said as a nervously rubbed my elbow. "I mean okay. I don't know why this is so awkward, we've shared rooms since we were basically born."

"Yeah right." We chuckled as we set down our bags. There was a queen sized bed with blue ocean themed bed covers, A white furry rug, A dresser, A TV, a bathroom and A window out looking the ocean.

We decided to all go to the beach until it got a bit darker. As we got to the water the boys ran to the water to play football. Me and Mia stayed back, she wanted to tan and I just wanted to eat. I couldn't help but still wonder what Caleb was thinking earlier in the car? Does he have.. feelings for me? No, he definitely doesn't. He's a player, he doesn't like girls and if he did he sure as hell wouldn't like me. And I definitely don't like him.

"So are you thinking about Caleb."

I noticed I have been staring at him the entire time. Damn it.

"No...i'm just thinking about my uh.. my hair." Shit, shes for sure gonna believe you Rory.

"Yeah okay sure babe." She sat up and took my hands in hers. "You need to take a hold of you emotions Rory, we're almost seniors. Caleb isn't gonna wait forever." She stared into my eyes, not gonna lie I was kinda creeped out.

"Oh my gosh Mia I don't like him." She rolled her eyes and sat back down.

"Since you are the most stubborn person I know I guess I have to spell it out for you. You look for him every time you enter a room. You call him every time your anxious or you go over his house every time your dad kicks you out. You guys know everything about each other. Every time you two see each other you light up. When he says something flirty to you or when he compliments you, you get all flustered and you turn red. I see how you look at him and I see how he looks at you. I am sick of trying to get you to realize it for yourself, its been 12 years Rory, you are in love with him." I froze.

"I am not in love with him are you craz-" my eyes looked around the beach until I saw Caleb catch the football and see me. He grinned and winked at me before continuing him and masons game. Mia chuckled and closed her eyes as she lay down.

Oh my god. Am I in love with Caleb Young?

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