With a deep breath I left my apartment and closed the door behind me. I looked to my right as I faced my door and suddenly my feet were carrying me. I stopped at the next door. The last on my side of the hallway. I scanned my hand and the latch opened. I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

Ap'lek's apartment was cold and empty even though it was filled to the brim with ancient artifacts and weird shit that he had collected over twelve years of being a Knight. I frowned as I stared at the wall that contained the axe the little Demon had given him for Christmas. I frowned at the shelf with the weird shit that I had gotten him.

Ap'lek had a huge bookshelf in his apartment and for some reason he separated the items according to who gave them to him. So everything I had ever given him took up one shelf. And every other Knight had a shelf as well. Kara had an entire bookcase to herself. She was always finding shit to give Ap'lek and he loved every single stupid little thing.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. It was empty of all food but had beers and some liquor remaining. Kara must have come and cleaned it out or maybe one of the other girls had. I grabbed a beer and wiped my nose on the sleeve of my sweater as I went back to the living room. I sat down on the couch that faced the book shelves and let out a frustrated sigh as my shoulders shook slightly. I had no idea what we were going to do with everything in this apartment. I couldn't even wrap my head around it.


"Oh, hey." I looked over my shoulder to see Kuruk standing behind me.

"You want me to go?"


"Okay." Kuruk walked over to the fridge and pulled out a beer before he sank down on the couch next to me.

I was surprised when his hand patted my shoulder and I turned to look at him. He was just as much of a mess as I was. His eyes were puffy and swollen and his nose was red, making him look like Rudolph. We sat silently as we sipped our beers and stared at the floor. I had things I wanted to say but I didn't know how to say them.

"It's not your fault, Cardo." Kuruk sniffed and cleared his throat. "You can't keep beating yourself up over it. Anyone could have fired that first shot. But I have a feeling Pryde already told him that we were coming. Why else would there have been so many fucking people?"


"And when Kara and I got to the roof, those two guys acted like nothing was going on. There was no way they didn't hear the gunshots from the other levels. They were expecting us."

"I'm so glad she killed that weasel mother fucker." I grunted into my beer as the images from yesterday played in my mind on repeat like they had been since Kara went all psycho on Pryde.

"She's a bad ass bitch. That's for sure." Kuruk chuckled sadly.

"What about Sarah? I can't say I wasn't surprised by what she did. That was amazing. Who knew she had the balls to torture someone?" I smirked and looked to my left at my brother and didn't miss the knowing smile on his face, as he tipped up his beer, that told me he had known what his girl was capable of all along.

Kuruk POV-

"Cupcake, did you pick up my suit from the cleaners?"

"It's in the back of the closet, Buzzard." Sarah called from the bathroom that was attached to our bedroom.

I walked deeper into the closet and sure enough there was my black suit. I never wore the damn thing but Ap'lek had bought it for me. He had bought us all matching suits a long time ago on a mission in Italy. Mine had been hidden deep in my closet for years since I had no functions to wear it too. Sarah had taken it and had it cleaned for me along with one of her black dresses that I had bought her from Chanel.

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