Smile like you mean it

Start from the beginning

      Two elegantly suited, handsome men were seated at the table we stopped next to. Hm, maybe this isn't going to be such a waste of time, after all... I thought. I wondered idly which one of them was Phil, the accountant and hoped for the blond one. Not that the dark haired one wasn't cute, but there was something more manly about the other one that appealed to me.

      "Ladies!" The blond man said, sitting up and fixing his tie. "I'm glad you could make it!" The coat slid off my shoulders and I turned toward the man pulling at it. "I'm Kevin and the guy trying to take your coat is my good friend Phil! You must be Julia. Lila told me a lot about you." Kevin said, holding his hand out to me. I gently put my hand in his and he shook it. "It's really nice to meet you!" The warm smile on his face called for a warm smile of my own.

      "Nice to meet you too, Kevin!" We all took our seats at the table and I could finally take a good look at my date. Phil was hot. He had the body, the face, the hair, the clothes... The only thing missing from him was the look... That hooded, heated look that makes a woman feel desired. That look of danger that made my insides clench.

       "So... Lila told Kevin you're a judge." Phil said, watching me closely and I tried to smile.

       "Yes, I am. And you're an accountant, right?" He smiled -a lot more convincingly than me- and nodded.

       "Yes, but my job is not nearly as interesting as yours. I mean, of course, there are some benefits in being an accountant for a big company, but there are also quite a few disadvantages. Such as..." I couldn't agree more... My job was far more interesting than his. Pink started asking for a reason in the background and I couldn't make myself listen to my date any longer. "Do you like it?" His question took me aback. Like what? "The music. You seem really into it." Right... The music... I smiled and nodded and he smiled as well.

       A dish and a cocktail landed in front of me out of nowhere and I looked up, my eyes colliding with Phil's. "I hope you like lobster..." He said, awkwardly smiling. "And I also hope you don't mind I took the freedom of ordering something for you." If I minded it? I was perfectly capable of ordering something for myself, thank you very much!

        "No, it's fine. I like lobster." It was just that the food in front of me didn't look much like lobster.

        "That's... lobster ''strudel'. It's a starter." Oh, great! Now I had to make it through a starter, a main course and probably even desert... Smile! I willed myself again. I was strong enough to do this. "So, do you like french cuisine?" Great! My hot date was talking about food.

        "Yes, of course. Who doesn't?" Lila huffed and it was not the first time the thought of killing my best friend crossed my mind. I also happened to know it wasn't going to be the last time either. 

        "No, you don't." Phil turned crimson and I felt my cheeks burning as well.

        "Well, I'm more of an italian food lover, but I like french cuisine as well." My eyes widened as a warning to Lila. She took the hint and raised her hands in defeat.

       "Sorry! I won't interupt you two again..." Kevin tried to hold back a laugh, but didn't really succed. The way he was watching Lila... That was the look I was talking about... The look my partener was missing.

       "Actually... I need to use the restroom. Could you come with me?" Lila gave me a questioning look, but followed me nevertheless.

       "What's wrong?" She asked once we stepped into the bathroom.

       "Lila, I honestly don't think I can make it through dinner. This man is boring me to death." I whined.

       "You don't like him?" She asked, frowning. Oh my God! That was an understatement.

       "Really? You couldn't tell I didn't like him?"

       "But why? He's hot, you can't deny that."

       "That's exactly my point! Hot is all he is. He's not even the slightest bit interesting."  Lila exagerately sighed.

       "And what now? We're just gonna go there and tell them that you want to leave? Please, Jules, just try! You haven't had a date in God knows how long, and Phil is a decent guy. I know he may seem boring, but give him some credit. Give the man a chance and get to know him. It won't kill you!" I could always count on Lila to make me feel like a bitch. I nodded, not knowing what else to do. "That's my girl! Now, let's go back to our men!" Our men... What a scary prospect...


        Phil was driving a silver BMW M3. Why did I know that? Because I was forced -by Lila, who else?- to let him drive me home. A cab is not suitable for such a lovely lady. He had said. Well then, why don't you take the lady home yourself? That would give you two the chance to some privacy. Lila had said. That woman was worse than the devil some times.

       "So this is where you live, huh?" Why did it seem to me that his every sentence started as a conclusion?

       "Yeah... Thanks for bringing me home!" I wanted nothing more than to climb out of his car and never see him again, but of course I wasn't going to get off the hook that easily.     

       "I really enjoyed this evening. You're great company." I knew where this was headed. Phil cleared his throat. "Would you like to go out with me again some time?" No!

      "Um... Yes, of course." What have I done? Take it back! Take it back! Now! I couldn't...

      "Great! That's wonderful! Here!" He extended a small, yellow card to me and I took it. Why did I take it? "All my conctact details are there. Just give me a call whenever you're available." 

       "Ok, I will. Thank you again for tonight! Good bye!" I hurriedly climbed out of the car and up the stairs to my apartment.

       A post-it note stayed glued to my door and I reached for it.

       Italian food... Duly noted, Ms Groves.

      PS: You should know that I also have your phone number, but thought that if I texted you, it would be creepy.                                   Mr S.

      S -as in stalker? How wasn't this creepy? I had a stalker... Maybe he's just an admirer. My conscience mumbled, in an attempt to calm my nerves, but it was too late. No admirer left post-it notes -concerning your tastes in food- glued to your door. I had a stalker... Not again!...

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