Y/n: "Oh great, when did the circus come to town, I must've missed it. David, here are your keys. Michelle, I'll see you and him in court, and Alex...I'm just mad. How long have you known"

Alex: "Since you were born, but I left and thought they would care for you because they looked at you with love"

Y/n: "MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE?! Nah...this is a dream. I'm in a nightmare, my favorite author is my sister but stayed out of my life and left me to mentally not be okay. Michelle, who is my mother, is not a good one. David, who is my father, is even worse...I can call for mental abuse, let's do that. I'll see you two in court, and I never want to hear from you again"

Alex: "Y/n wait"

Y/n: "This better be good"

Alex: "I'm sorry, I really am. If I did know you weren't doing okay, I would've immediately swooped in, but I'm sorry I didn't come sooner"

Y/n: "It hurts still"

Alex grabbed a backpack "Uh, it's the 17 books you were about to buy, I'm sorry. I bought them all, Jihyo can't be mad at that. I even put in a new unpublished book that I was also working on and that I was going to publish next week. If you don't want to support me anymore, that's fine. I only put it in is because I know you like reading these books"

Y/n grabbed the bag, left the keys on the table, and left. She called Jihyo and told her what happened, and kept her on the phone as she was in the cab.

At the hotel, Jihyo grabbed her bag, and checked out, they met outside and Y/n just sat there thinking. Their flight was in 2 hours, but might as well go now.

They made it in Korea hours later, and Nayeon came to pick them up "Hey, how-"

Jihyo: "Not now Nay"

Y/n: "Lis was the only one I like there. Fuck my parents and fuck Alex"

Nay: "What happened?"

Jihyo: "I'll explain later"

Nay: "Okay"

Y/n looked through the photos, and saw one from when they went to the cafe early morning...Hanbin, he's cute, nice, and a good friend

She called him on the phone as they were still driving "Hey"

Hanbin: "Y/n, what's up"

Y/n: "Wanna hang out sometime, just us. I need a breather from life"

Hanbin: "Yeah, when? Tomorrow okay?"

Y/n: "Tomorrow is perfect, I'll see you at the cafe"

Hanbin: "Yeah"

Y/n: "Bring your skateboard, we can skate together"

Hanbin: "Oh look at you, okay"

Y/n hung up and let Nayeon and Jihyo be confused, but she needed time to herself so they weren't going to say anything

Y/n said hi to everyone but then went to her room. The rest of the night was just Y/n being alone and quiet. Jihyo told them what happened.

The next day, Y/n got covered up, grabbed her board, helmet, and gloves before rushing out the door. She met Hanbin who was at the cafe with his skateboard

Hanbin: "Nice board"

Y/n: "Yours as well, let's get out of here"

Hanbin: "Sure, also what's with the coverup"

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