Thirty Four - Things Will Change, Let's Take a Breath

Start from the beginning

"I know you don't." You heard him smile. The stars looked so pretty, "Let me make the choice when I'm ready, 'kay?"


You heard cicadas in the faint distance, wind coming from the sea combing through the high grass surrounding you.



"I don't want you to leave me."

Now you heard him shuffle, as if he was turning around, "Didn't even think of that, Chickie."

It was a thought that had crossed your mind on the many instances that you had wrecked your brain about how to solve this issue; What if you did find a refugee? And you would meet up with Namjoon and the rest, and stay? What if Jungkook would leave, because you'd be safe there and he didn't have anything left that held him back?

The thought alone made you want to choke on tears.

You startled slightly when you felt a strong arm worm it's way underneath your body, slightly lifting you up, another arm coming up to pull you over to Jungkook. He gently lead you until you laid on top of him, cheek squished against his chest, where you could hear his calm heart beat. He felt warm and firm underneath you.

"We were like this on the first night in the car, when it rained, remember?" He whispered, arms enclosing around you.

"M-hmm. It was so fucking cold in there."

He snickered, "I didn't feel cold."

"Okay, human heater." He flicked your forehead, "Hey!"

He laughed, sound getting cut off buy a short cough he tried to hide quickly.

"Jungkook... let me sleep on the ground, I'm probably not helping your condition here."

"I'm fine."


"You don't like sleeping on the floor."

"This is your reasoning? You're probably in pain but oh lil' Chickie shouldn't sleep on the floor if she doesn't like it."

He flicked your forehead again, "Shut up n' take it, brat."

You wrestled for a moment, until you gave in and let your head fall back onto his chest, making him puff out air surprised. Ha take that.

"You're so childish, Chibi."

"Look who's talking."

No matter how much you insisted you didn't need this, the feeling of having him so close to you, all for yourself was better than anything else.


"No way." Jungkook stared at the quite obscure scene in front of us, "No fucking way."

Fucking Min Yoongi was laying on top of a definitely crashed car, legs crossed and arms resting behind his head, a single grass straw resting between his lips.

When we'd approached him he had barely cocked a brow, otherwise not bothered to stand up and run for his life as he probably should have.

"So we meet again." He slurred lazily, one hand coming up to cover his eyes from the sun, "Been a while."

"Too long, apparently." Jungkook's smile was anything but friendly when he straightened his scythe, ramming it into the ground in front of the car.

"Or did you forget how we parted ways?" I chimed in, head cocked to the side with an unimpressed look. This motherfucker.

Yoongi just sniggered, not answering. How in hell had I thought to befriend this weirdo?

"Where's your little friend?" Jungkook stepped closer, "What was her name? Moonbin? Moon-"

"-byul." I chimed in helpfully.

Yoongi still didn't answer, but the way his til now casual pose stiffened up answered all we needed to know.

"Oh." I looked away, "I'm sorry."

"Pfff it's not like we were friends." Yoongi waved it off, "It just sucks because surviving by yourself is a pain in the ass. If you're not him that is-" He pointed at Jungkook, "About that, why are you still with her? Isn't she a giant burden?"

I felt rather than saw Jungkook's sudden impulse of lunging forward, holding him back by his sleeve quickly, "Kook." I warned. Then I looked at Yoongi, who was watching the exchange with an amused glint.

"Well, that explains it." He chirped gleefully.

"Do you know about a refugee here on Jeju?" I ignored his words.

"Hmm." He tapped one finger against his lips, eyes averted to the sky, "Do I? Maybe. Maybe I don't."

I let go of Jungkook.

Immediately he leaped forward, scythe pressed against Yoongi's throat who suddenly got into motion, eyes wide in shock as he backed up against the rear window of the car, "Listen here ya lil' shit, answer her fucking question or I'll cut off your stupid face."

"C-Chill-" Yoongi pressed himself against the window, trying to bring as much space as possible between himself and the sparkling blade, "I was just- just..."

"Just?" Jungkook pressed closer, voice like daggers, "I'm so sick and tired of your coward ass bullshit."

Yoongi gulped, "Sorry. I'm sorry. There's a refugee. I saw it." My heart dropped, "I-It's in Lotte Hotel."

"How can we find it?" I chimed in.

"There's a map a-at the entrance of the town." He pointed at me, "She can read it, y-you won't miss it."

"Y-You won't miss it." Jungkook imitated his stutter voice mockingly, all pent up anger he'd saved up from the last time we'd seen him oozing out of him.

"Why aren't you there then?" I questioned, arms crossed in front of my chest. Jungkook backed off slowly.

Yoongi's terrified expression fell when he looked at me, eyes suddenly listless, "If I die there in a few years or here tomorrow, what does it matter?" His voice sounded resigned, bitter.

I cocked my head slightly, "So you are sad about Moonbyul's death."

He laid back against the car again, "No."

Jungkook turned to me, "Is it bad that I don't pity him?"

I waved him off, eyeing Yoongi one more time, "If you say so. Then die here, I guess. If that's what you want." I shrugged, turning away, "Thanks for the info anyways."

Jungkook followed close behind, sufficient smile on his face. Wow he really needed that, didn't he?

"Altlast we know where to go now. Lotte Hotel." He mused after we'd put enough distance between him.

"Are you sure? How do you know he's telling the truth?"

"If he isn't, we find him and kill him."

"Will that help us though?"

"No, but it'll make me feel better."

I snorted, shoulders shaking as I laughed at his odd sense of humor.

Lotte Hotel, huh?

The refugee existed. It was a real thing, one that we would be reaching soon. 

An anxious feeling was slowly starting to develop inside of me - one I hated, because it was possibly ruining my last hours with Jungkook.


small disclaimer that I might not be updating much for the next two weeks


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