Chapter 2

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"I told you to let go of me."


He released her shoulders, smoothing the fabric back in place and stepped aside.

"Are you going to move? You're blocking the door," he stated with a small smile. She glared at him and moved aside.

She was acting like a jerk about it but she was actually considering it. About the demon, guardian, and King of Hell thing, for some reason she found herself believing it. She couldn't explain it.

All her life she knew that sometimes things were more than what they were but she wasn't sure what that something was. Maybe it had been the Supernatural all along.

Nina found herself wondering how exactly the King of Hell got tasked with the job of protecting a teenager. He was the King of Hell, he was in charge of basically everybody, right? She was tempted to ask, remembering to keep her mouth shut about asking questions. Then realized that if this all was true she had nothing to worry about anymore. Nothing at all. And she found herself smiling at the thought of it.

"So, how did you get this assignment or whatever to keep me safe and make me happy?" She asked, ignoring the questioning looks of people around them.

"A deal. A very ridiculous deal many years back when I was a salesman."

"Care to elaborate?"


She clapped her hands together. "Fine. So do you go away if I don't accept the offer?"

"Technically no. You'll see me around. I'll still have the duty of keeping you from dying, that sort of thing."

"How long have you been watching me?"

"Two days." He glanced around at the people. "Look, do you mind if we go somewhere else for this... interrogation? I'd rather not be suspected of being a child groomer or kidnapper. Easy for me to get out of but I'd like to avoid the trouble at the moment."

She furrowed her eyebrows, still figuring out if she could trust him. If he wasn't just going to kill her or something.


"Great!" He took her arm and snapped his fingers, not really caring that a whole bunch of people may have just seen them disappear. The temperature dropped drastically.

She looked around, not entirely shocked. "A dungeon, really?" But it looked kind of like the basement at her house where her mom would.... She took a deep breath in and let it out, glancing briefly at the scar on her hand.

"Poor girl," Crowley stated, not very aware he had said it out loud. He actually felt sympathy? He was the King of Hell. She kind of expected him to be heartless, especially since he was a demon.

"Well, let's get to it. Are you accepting my offer? Either way your not escaping me. The only difference is that you get to live fantastically. Instead of in that house."

"What are you going to do to my mother?"

"If you accept the offer... well killing her is a good option. But...." He leaned on a table positioned next to him. "I think torture would do her just fine. She doesn't deserve the mercy of death." His eyes focused on something behind her. She turned. Chains hanging from the wall.

She found herself hungry for revenge. Desperate for it. Payback. She could inflict the pain on her mom that she had been dreaming of doing for years. She found herself smiling at the thought of it. She realized how psychotic she was being at the moment, but she wasn't quite sure she cared.

"What kind of torture?"

"Any kind you want. Anything you wish to do to her, you can go ahead and do. Anything."

Anything. That sounded nice.

"Say I do accept... where am I going to go?"

"Hell. With me perhaps. Or maybe just some place on Earth if you desire. You could do whatever you feel like anytime of the day. It's not my job to restrict you. It's my job to keep you happy and not... dead."

"All I have to do is say when?"

"That's right, Darling. And you can have it all. You like to travel, right?"

She nodded.

"Well we can travel all the time. Go visit anywhere in the world. You want a big fancy room? Done. A maid? Done."

The dream. That's exactly what it sounded like he was offering. And it didn't sound like there were any catches. None at all.

"What are the risks?" She asked.

"Well...." He thought about it for a second. "There are people... Hunters... Like the Winchester brothers who are sure not to like the arrangement but they're not a big deal."

"What do hunters do?"

"Kill us so called "monsters" that's nearly all. Trap us. Make deals. That kind of stuff. But they aren't supposed to hurt humans. Accidents do happen, but they won't happen to you."

"You promise?" If she agreed her whole life would be changed. Everything. In possibly the best way ever. No more worrying about getting home or watching what she says at all times.

"Of course, Darling. I won't let them."

"Well...." She took a deep breath. She was ready for the change. She was ready for the pain to go away. "I agree."

He grinned. "Perfect."

And she didn't find herself feeling guilty for leaving people or regret her words that had left her mouth. Because she finally had it all. She was finally free.

Please be aware that it the future of this novel the canon of Supernatural will be bent and changed, but mostly about time and who's alive at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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