Chapter 1

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"I promise I won't, Mama!"

Nina stepped outside into the fresh air. She took a deep breath in. And let it out. Outside. It had been too long since she'd seen it. Locked up in that house with that wretched woman.

"I'll dance on her grave when she's dead," Nina thought to herself as she walked down the street, barefoot the pavement burned the bottom of her feet. It was hot outside today.

Mama wanted milk and sugar. God forbid she go and get it herself. Those were some of the only times Nina seemed to be allowed out of the house. When Mama wanted something. Otherwise her only options were to get yelled at or stay in her room. She usually chose the latter.

The Dollar General wasn't too far away. Only a couple of blocks. She knew she should hurry or there'll be hell waiting for her back home, but even if it was hot, the outside felt so refreshing.

"Hello, Nina!" A neighbor greeted. She waved politely, then continued on. Mama forbade most interactions. Said it kept suspicion away. Nina thought different, though she still abided by the rules anyway. A way to avoid pain.

The milk and sugar weren't too hard to find. Mama didn't give her her own money so Nina had to use her hard earned cash from the work she'd done last summer, mowing lawns.

"How's your mom?" The cashier asked. Everyone knew Ms. Marcus and her family. They thought very well of them. Believed Nina was being raised right, learning hard work and keeping her nose clean.

"Fine," Nina replied with a small smile, then tried to grab the groceries.

"What happened to your eye?" He stopped her.

"My cat. He can be mean," she laughed it off, touching the new scar just under her eye, knowing very well that she didn't have a cat.

"Well I guess you'll have to teach him some manners," he laughed with her.

"Yeah, definitely."

"Have a good day, Nina!"

Mama wouldn't be too pleased with the talking of owning a cat. Something else to cover up if someone brought it into conversation with her. She wished she'd just ignored the cashier.

She sighed, walking out of the door. Too late now. Whatever. As long as Mama didn't find out it should be okay. She silently prayed for her not to find out.

Because Nina was so busy hoping she wouldn't be killed if her mom found out, she ran right into a man standing outside of the door. Surprised, she dropped the milk and sugar. The milk carton broke and spilt the milk everywhere. She felt like she was going to cry. Great. This was just awesome. She didn't bring any extra money with her and would have to return home without milk.

"Very sorry, Nina," the man apologized. He had a sort of Scottish accent and wore a black suit. What crazy person wore a black suit in the middle of summer!

"It's okay," she responded politely trying to hold in her screams of frustration. "My fault I wasn't looking." She bent down to pick up the sugar.

"Is that what you really think?" He got down with her. She suddenly realized she didn't know the man. She had never seen him before in her life. And despite the decent size of her town, everyone knew everybody. So how did she not know him or his name, but he knew hers? Perhaps he just moved here and heard the cashier or someone else. But she wasn't quite so sure.

"Who are you?" She asked, meeting eyes with the man.

He smirked. "Crowley. And you are Nina Marcus."

"I know my own name." She lost all forms or kindness. This man was giving her weird vibes. But his presence felt protective. Slightly.

"Right. And let me guess. This sugar is for your mother who treats you like something stuck on the bottom of her shoe. And that milk... Oh dear. She won't like that very much now will she."

She stood up suddenly and he followed her lead.

"I don't know what your problem is, but you need to back off before I call the cops on you."

He moved closer, grabbing her face in his hand. But she didn't feel scared at this movement and she had no idea why.

"Oh poor sweet, Nina. The cops won't work on me." His eyes flashed red.

"What are you?"

"You have heard of demons before, am I right?"

"I don't believe in them."

"Oh but I think you do. And you've heard of Guardian angels? Well Nina... I am sort of a combination." He released her face and clapped his hands on her shoulders. "Well, not for just anybody. Apparently for you only. King of Hell now has to protect a 14 year old girl, you know how it goes."

"I don't. Let go of me. We're blocking the door."

People around were starting to look.

"So we are." He didn't move. "I can make all your problems go away Nina. Your mother. The feeling of loneliness and misunderstanding pressing on your chest. I can make it all go away. If you just ask me to. I can save you Nina. All you need to do is tell me when."

"Why would I do that?" But her voice was shaky. For some reason she believed him. And she was tempted to take the offer.

"Because," he put his mouth near her ear, "you don't want to live the rest of your life like this. You want to have fun. And I can make that happen."

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