In the Shadows of Mystacor

Start from the beginning

She glares at me and then sighs. "I don't know what you see in that girl but I...promise. Now bring them to me!"Shadow Weaver said. I glare at her. "Fine. Please do the spell with me...for old time's sake," She said. "Sure," I said. I smile and then touch the cauldron. 

So many memories I had with this cauldron. "From the farthest reaches of Etheria, I command you, be as one!"I yell. A red diamond shape circles in a cauldron and a dark figure rises up to the ceiling. A Shadow Spy screeches.

Skyla POV
We hike to the edge of a cliff.

"We're here!"Glimmer said. "We're on a cliff, overlooking a thousand-foot drop," Adora said as we looked down. "Yes, we are, but not for long, "Glimmer said. "Um, what do you mean by that?"I said. "Woo-hoo!" Glimmer and Bow said as they jumped.

"Uh, guys?"Adora and I said. "Are they dead?"I whisper as I hold her arm. They appear on a floating mountain. "C'mon Adora, Skyla, jump!"Bow said. I sigh and then jump after them. I land and look at Adora. "Come on Adora!"I yell. Adora grunts and then gasps. She falls. 

"Oh, ouch. You okay?"Bow said as I ran to check on her. "I'm fine. I thought I saw--"She said and sighed. "I'm just stressed," She said. "Hang in there Adora. Next stop, Mystacor" Glimmer said. We ride forward on the mountain. 

Adora looks back as the shadow snakes around the rock behind us. Soon after, we reach a castle perched on top of a steep cliff. Glimmer laugh as I gasp in amazement. "We rode a flying mountain through clouds. It never gets old" Bow said. Adora glances behind her. 

"Uh, sure, yeah, heh. It was great" She said. "Just so you know, my aunt Casta can be a lot. But don't worry, I know how to handle her"Glimmer said. "What do you mean by that?"I whisper. "Is that my Glimmer?"A woman with a black bun and a purple dress. 

The woman hugs her. "Hi, Aunt Casta," Glimmer said. "It's been so long since you've come to visit. And Bow"The woman said and hugged Bow. "And who's this?"The woman said. "This is my friend Adora. She's sometimes an 8-foot-tall warrior woman named She-Ra. So, don't get freaked out when it happens"Glimmer said.

"Hi," Adora said and they shook hands. "And this is Skyla" Glimmer said. The woman looks at me and gasps. "'s you," She said. "Um...Hi, My name is Skyla" I said. She took a look at my hand. "It can't be...unless," she said then Glimmer did a fake cough.

"Sorry...How nice Glimmer has started making some new friends. We were all so pleased when she started bringing Bow around. I was sure she had made him up at first"Glimmer's aunt said and laughed. "Oh, you've done something to your hair," She said to Glimmer.

"What? Yes, I cut it"Glimmer said. "I can see that. I also see you're not wearing the sweater I knitted for you. Don't you like it?"Her aunt said. "Sure, I like it. It's great. It's just... it's a little warm for sweaters right now" Glimmer answered.

"But you'd tell me if you didn't like it?"Her aunt said. Dam her aunt is pushy. "Yes, I'd tell you," Glimmer said. "I'm wearing the socks you sent me, "Bow said. "Well, I've always been fond of this one. So, what brings you all the way out here to visit your aunt? Is it once in a blue moon already?"Her aunt said then laughed as she walked off. 

"We're on a diplomatic mission, Auntie. I'm rebuilding the Princess Alliance and..." Glimmer said. "My goodness, you must be starving. I'll have a feast prepared. I'm sure your mother hasn't been feeding you" Her aunt said. We follow and I look around. 

Wow, so many people are doing magic. "Wow," Adora said. "You've come at the perfect time, there's an eclipse this evening. I'm headed right now to inspect the lunarium for the ceremony. And nothing would make me happier than to give my favorite niece and her friends a tour" she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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