Chapter 7

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Verglas barely had any time to think before Caribou launched himself at Verglas, jaws open wide. He was knocked to the ground, wincing as his wing hit the floor at an odd angle. Growling, he rolled to the side before his attacker could get the opportunity to pin him down.

The Queen was watching with an interested expression, while Quartz sat beside her, examining her claws with boredom.

Caribou let out a hiss of frustration, snarling as he leaped into the air, claws outstretched. This time Verglas was prepared, so he ducked to the left, letting his claws scrape against Caribou's side. 

The dragon flinched with pain, and icy tendrils of vaporized frost trailed out of the corners of his mouth, eyes flashing.

Verglas stepped back, unsure if he should attack Caribou first or let the dragon come at him, and easily dodge it. 

Come on Verglas, you can't just keep ducking and dodging. You won't win any fights if you do that. Soon you'll tire out, so let him tire first.

As the two dragons circled each other, Shard clapped her claws together. "Come on now! We don't have all day here." She smiled sweetly at the two of them, which made Verglas's scales itch with apprehension.

Verglas then jumped at him, but then flapped his wings, pushing himself into the air. Caribou evidently wasn't expecting that, as he had already moved to return the attack, before Verglas quickly retreated backward into the air. Verglas took his opportunity and lunged at Caribou, pushing his hind legs into the dragon's stomach, knocking the air out of him. He fell to the ground, Verglas not hesitating to pin him. 

Caribou struggled for a few moments, before going limp. His eyes were wide, and he gasped for breath. Verglas had the dragon's legs pinned to the floor so he couldn't push him off. 

Verglas stared at Caribou, then looked up at Queen Shard. Maybe I won't have to kill him . . .

But the Queen was staring at him expectantly, eyes narrowed. She drew a claw across her neck. Verglas took a deep breath, clenching his eyes shut. 

Caribou looked at him fearfully. 

I have no other choice.

Verglas placed his claws against Caribou's throat, pushing down until he started to choke.

He looked up to see Queen Shard watching with cold satisfaction glimmering in her eyes.

Caribou ceased to struggle as he sputtered and gasped. He let out a final shudder and was still, his eyes staring blankly ahead.

Verglas stepped off of him, lifting his head to face the Queen.

She clapped her claws together. "Well! It looks like you've passed! Stalactite, please take him away." Queen Shard waved at Caribou's body. Stalactite looked slightly disturbed at carrying the body of a dragon he just brought into the room not long ago, but he heeded the orders nonetheless. 

"You're the only dragon who has passed this assessment, beside one other. I see you carry the skills of agility and swiftness, based on the way you moved and dodged Caribou's blows."

Verglas squinted at her. One of her own dragons was just killed . . . by me. Does she not care at all? He shuddered, glancing at his claws, the claws that had just killed a dragon, one of his own kind. 

Well, if you even consider me an IceWing, that is. Verglas shook himself. You're going to have to get used to this. You are now an assassin, working for the Queen. 

Stalactite returned, taking a position next to Queen Shard. 

The Queen cleared her throat. "Before I introduce you to our other lovely assassin, there is something I must do. Follow me, please." 

Stalactite immediately obeyed, as did Verglas, wearily trailing behind the two dragons. Quartz, however, appeared bored and walked the other direction after being led out of the room, not bothering to stick around. The Queen suddenly stopped.

"Your hatching day, when is it? I know you are of six years at the moment." 

Verglas blinked, as he had completely forgotten about his hatching day. 

"I-it's in a few days, actually. W-wait," Verglas paused, reconsidering.

Shoot! It's tomorrow, isn't it. I wasn't keeping track of the time. 

"Tomorrow, your majesty. It's tomorrow."

The queen clapped her talons together. "Wonderful!"

She proceeded down a hallway, then out into the central courtyard. Verglas let out a small gasp when he realized what it was he was seeing. There was a large wall, with many names scratched into it. The gift of order. Verglas's heart began to beat faster and faster as he recalled Frostbite's words. Verglas regarded his name under the seventh circle sullenly, but then felt a prick of hope as Queen Shard walked over. Stalactite hung back slightly, eyes narrowed.

"Due to your new position, I shall move your name up to the 2nd circle where you will serve me as my loyal assassin. Do not fail me." 

Verglas's eyes widened as Queen Shard dragged his name all the way up to the 2nd circle, right above Stalactite's name. 

He dared a glance at the general, who didn't speak a word. However, his eyes blazed with fury and contempt as he looked sharply at Verglas, who quickly turned away from his stone-cold glare. 

Verglas noticed a few other unfamiliar names above his. He wondered which name was that of the other assassin that the queen mentioned. Before he could look any further, Shard beckoned him back into the palace.

"After I introduce you to your partner, I shall prepare you for your first mission. I can't push this one out for any longer." 

Verglas wondered why she couldn't just send out the other assassin, as he nervously considered what he would have to do. She's going to send me out already? I only just finished my assessment. But he forced himself to look at the situation from a different perspective. 

This is an honor, Verglas! She already trusts you to go on a mission. You were moved up the 2nd circle! Verglas was so caught up in his newfound enthusiasm that he almost forgot about why he even came here in the first place. 

Don't forget about what Frostbite said. The queen might be up to something. I have to keep a close eye on her. He pushed back the bitter disappointment biting at the edge of his mind. 

Verglas took a deep breath and followed his queen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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