Chapter 5

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"Get up."

Verglas let out a snort of annoyance as Frostbite shook him awake.

"We leave today" Frostbite said gruffly.

Verglas groaned. "Okay, but why so early? He rolled over, his surroundings coming into focus.

Frostbite narrowed his eyes. "We can't waste any time. Today's the last day the Queen's hiring. Didn't think you could handle the assessments yet, but now I think I've trained you enough. Wish I had more time, but this is your only opportunity."

"Ah," Verglas mumbled. "Wonderful."

"Kid, you have your earring?" Frostbite grunted, this tail lashing impatiently.

Verglas reached for his ear, feeling the smooth silver earring. "Yes. Haven't taken it off."

Frostbite grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around his neck, pulling it up to cover his snout. Verglas assumed that his mentor put it on to hide himself from any guards that may recognize him and report him to the queen. "We've got a bit of a ways to go. Stay behind me at all times. Don't do anything that will attract attention toward us."

The old dragon threw some bagged fruit at him, which Verglas caught, stumbling backward with surprise.

"Eat. Can't fly on an empty stomach."

What am I, a RainWing? Verglas thought, looking disdainfully at the fruit. He reluctantly ate it, uneasy under Frostbite's harsh glare.

"We'll be flying past a few villages, then we'll arrive at the main town. From there we'll head toward the palace."

Verglas swallowed. "Where will I go once I enter?" he asked, a little anxious.

"A guard should lead you to the meeting room, where you'll speak to the queen. I'm sure they're aware of the fact that the Queen Shard is looking for assassins. They'll know what to do."

Frostbite grabbed a satchel and shoved several weapons inside, then closed it and swung it over his shoulder.

. . . probably for just in case, Verglas thought worriedly. It's not that dangerous in the kingdom, right?

Frostbite shook out his wings, heading for the door. But underneath his grumpiness, Verglas caught a flash of fear in Frostbite's eyes.

He doesn't want to go back.

Verglas followed nervously.

The sun was only just rising, a displaying an array of purples and pinks and yellows against the sky, mingled with oranges and lighter blues. The sky was surprisingly clear, not a single cloud in sight. It was extremely cool outside, though it made no difference for Verglas and Frostbite.

Frostbite glanced at Verglas, who nodded.

Frostbite spread his wings, pushing himself upward into the air. Verglas did the same, flapping several times so he was at Frostbite's level. The wind tugged playfully at his wings, so he titled them to match the cool breeze. Frostbite was a much more experienced flier than Verglas, who struggled to keep up.

Verglas had never seen the Ice Kingdom outside of his shoddy, isolated village, and was awestruck when he looked down. Several trees were scattered below him, icicles hanging off the branches, shimmering as the sunlight struck through it.

Snow carpeted every inch of the ground, and more homes were made visible. There were several different homes and igloos, and dragons were outside. Verglas's village looks like nothing compared to these sparkling IceWing villages. His home contained poorly built huts and had little trees, only deeper into the woods.

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