Enhypen Sunghoon (Angrophobia)

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"SUNGHOON," I yelled in fear. He was sitting on the floor, tears streaming down his face as he pounded on the floor with his bloody fists. I ran over to him just as he stopped hitting the floor, his breathing was uneven and his eyes were unfocused.

"Hoonie, Hoonie look at me please. I need you to breathe, please baby," I said, panicking slightly at the sight of my dongsaeng in so much distress. He didn't even acknowledge me. I quickly cupped his face with my hands and forced him to look at me but it was like he was looking straight through me and it scared me.

"Sunghoon, Sunghoon what's wrong? I need you to tell me so I can help you," I said quickly, trying hard to get him to at least let me know he could hear me. I lunged closer as his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell backwards, quickly catching him before he could hit his head on the floor. I froze as I was sitting there with an unconscious Sunghoon in my arms and I didn't really have any idea what to do. This isn't something that I've been prepared for, to have someone I love obviously going through so much pain and now having a panic attack into unconsciousness. There's no one left in the building that I know, I need to get back to the dorm. I threw my bag to the side and quickly scooped him up bridle style, rushing out of the room and into the elevator. I took it down to the first floor and rushed out, crashing into someone and falling to the floor. I managed to position myself so I hit the floor and not Sunghoon but I quickly sat up and made sure that there wasn't any injuries to Sunghoon.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I looked up to see TXT Yeonjun looking down at me.

"Are you ok Jay and-. Wait what's wrong with Sunghoon," he asked quickly as he knelt down next to us.

"H-He passed out in the practice room. He should be fine but I'm just really worried about him and I need to get him back to the dorms so Hyungie can help," I said quickly.

"How're you getting there," he asked me quickly.

"Our manager is gone so I have to carry him," I replied.

"Not happening. Come on, I'll drive you," he said, helping me up while keeping Sunghoon safe in my arms. I nodded and he quickly guided me out of the building and over to a car. He unlocked it and I got into the back seats, keeping Sunghoon secure in my arms. Yeonjun got into the front seat and drove off quickly, not stopping until we got outside my dorm.

"Thankyou Hyung, really," I said quickly. He just nodded and waved to me as I quickly got out and rushed to the front door. He drove off straight after and I was glad that he didn't get involved but still willingly helped me out. I struggled to unlock the door but when I did, I rushed inside and into the loungeroom where Ni-ki was sitting on the couch and watching TV.

"Off now," I said quickly and he jumped up, eyes going wide when he saw Sunghoon in my arms.

"Oh my god, Hyung what happened," he asked quickly as he helped position the pillows as I placed the former skater down gently.

"I'm not quite sure. HYUNG. HEESEUNG HYUNG COME HERE, I NEED YOU," I yelled out.

"Hyung what's wrong. You're scaring me," Ni-ki said as I heard rushed footsteps.

"What's wrong are you ok," Heeseung asked quickly as he cupped my face and checked me over.

"W-What happened to Sunghoon's hand, and why does he look like he's crying. Sunghoon." Sunoo rushed to Sunghoon and went to shake him but I lunged forwards and wrapped my arms around the youngers waist, ripping him away quickly but gently.

"Don't Sunoo," I said quickly and he turned his head to me in confusion.

"Jay what's going on," Jake asked quickly.

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