Thunder - Two

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As I arrive back at the office I feel ruffled. The happy content feeling feels gone. I decide to not let it affekt the rest of the evening and sit down at my little bunk and start pulling upp different concept ideas and venues what could be an option for the comeback. The feeling is mature and rich men. Which I run with all the way. I have to admit the simple suit are my favorite for comebacks. It's so effortless and never go out of style.

B: I saw you and JB had a talk, how was it?

B: Answer me!

E: Not that eventful, he wants to talk about what happened, I don't

B: That's right he can't come crawling now after the way he treated you!

E: Believe me I know, can't help being curious tho

B: Don't even think about it! Promise me!

E: I promise, btw are you coming back to the office any more or should I lock?

B: At the gym with Binnie! So you can lock!

Nodding to myself I walk around turning the lights of. I push my airpods in and start the New playlist with new songs and artists. When the office is fully dark I walk out and lock it properly. I stop and look around. Squeezed in the overcrowded Gangnam was our little office. Yet it was just big enough for our work. Most times we were out on assignments so we didn't need something that big. On the other side of the street is a small bar and I walk over.

We knew the boss of the bar pretty well now and he knew our drinks as well. I sit down and it's busier than it usually is so I patiently wait my turn. In the background I can hear I need U start playing with BTS and I start smiling involuntary. So many memories to that song.

"Ems! It's been a while!" Mr Park burst out and my smile widen even more. "I'm so sorry, we've been busy!" I say and he nods while picking up a glas. "Yeah I've seen the lights being on even after we've closed" He says and breath in and sigh. "To be completely honest I'm a bit happy about it. Finally we can do it all and we take as much as we want and even pick" I say and take the glas off alcohol mixture from him. "We aren't alone in that" I say and look around the bar. "You're right, you should just be thankful" I nod in agreement with him.

Before I know it I'm approached, it had been a while since I saw Chanyeol but I would recognize him anywhere, even with a mask and a hat. I feel a little bit bad that it had been so long. "Oppa" I say and smile my widest, he was truly one of my favorite people in this world. "Emma" Even with the mask I can see his wide smile. I gesture to the back of the bar and he follows. "I'm sorry that it's been so long" I apologize while sitting down. He waves it away. "The situation you were in back then, Emma it's fine I understand" He truly is to nice for me, I don't deserve it. "Still, Oppa" I have so much I want to say but I lose my words. "Yah stop now, How are you and JB now?" He ask and I roll my eyes. Not necessarily at Chanyeol but at JB.

"We broke up, it wasn't healthy the way we were acting, me being jealous of him, he being jealous of ANY man I was working with" I complain and even I can hear hos whiny I sound. "It was.. intense" He says and I laugh. "Thank you for being so calm through that" I mumble and fiddle with my dress. "Aish that was nothing, you helped me out with text for my raps, I say we are even" He says and I smile. "At least let me buy you a beer" I offer and he agrees.

We spend an hour catching up. When I had dated Jaebum it had been hard for us to even contact one another. It was something with Chanyeol that triggered Jaebum immensely. I don't truly know why in the end I just didn't have the patients with the constant, you're talking to him right, where are you going with Chanyeol, not to his place, Emma you don't know his motive. I couldn't take it anymore so I chose to not see Chanyeol anymore. Even if the only thing between him and I was brother sister feelings at this point.

But every nice moment needs to end right. My whole body freezes. Chanyeol that has his back to Jaebum doesn't know yet but I know this can't end well. "Don't do anything stupid" I plead towards Jaebum who looks ready to punch Chanyeol down. Chanyeol turns around and instantly tens up and frown. "You know Em I'm not even surprised" Jaebum sounds venomous, like his words is small attacks and no matter what I can't help myself let myself get annoyed. "The fact that you draw instant conclusions is just pathetic" I say angry now. Jaebum sits down, probably to try not to bring any attention but I can already see Mr Park look our way worried.

"I'm going to take a smoke" Chanyeol stands up walking away wanting to give us privacy. I nod and mouth sorry at him as he walks away. "Why are you sorry to him, you should be sorry to me" Jaebum is seriously pissed. "Why did you even come?" I ask and he looks straight into my eyes. That takes me back. It had been a while since I looked into them properly. It's like electric shocks goes through my body. "I'm sorry" I hear myself whisper. No matter how hard I fought I would always love him. "I understand how this looks" I say and sigh. Jaebum relax. "Why do you do this to me?" He sounds in pain. I want to scream It's what you do to me but what comes out is "I don't know". His hand reaches out and cup my face. The electric sparks goes crazy and my heart nearly stop.

"When I saw you today I thought I was dreaming, did you know" He says so softly and it's like butter. "I thought maybe this is a sign?" He looks at me questioningly and I shake my head. "We aren't good together" I say even if the words are like knives ripping through all the nice things that had happened. "We hurt each other, Jaebum deep down you know there aren't anything with any of my guy friends, especially Chanyeol, you know that" I see Jabeum nod. "It's just the way-" He can't say anything more and he truly doesn't have too. Because I know. It's something different. "I think you should go" I say taking my hand out of his. The connection is lost. He nods slightly and stand up. Timingly enough Chanyeol is on his way inside.

As he sits down Jaebum sits up and look at me one last time. There are so many things going through his eyes I can't keep up. But above all else is pain. A pain we share. A pain I don't think will ever really go away. Not when you loved someone so deeply.

Chanyeol places one beer in front of me. "You look like you need one bad" He says and I nod. "Do you want to talk about it" He asks nicely. So nice, nicer than I deserve right now. "I don't think there are much to talk about, I do think that is the last time I'll see him" I whisper and gulp down the beer. One beer leads to two beers. Then infinite. By midnight I'm delirious slurring in bliss. The run in with Jaebum had impacted me worse than I had first thought.

"Such a bad guy." I mumble to myself. Chanyeol look at me with sad eyes. Suddenly Bells sitt down and my eyes widen. "BELLS" I shriek and pull her down to the booth. "Thank you for calling" Bella says to Chanyeol that stands up to leave. "No don't leave" I whine. I can understand this is ridiculous. I'm so of off my game, embarrassing myself. Bells and Chanyeol exchange a few words and then I see Chanyeol disappear out in the night.

"Shouldn't we just go home now?" She ask softly and I look at her. One moment I just want to tell her all, everything that had been said the last couple of hours the next I want to be childish and down another pint. It's just a lot I can't help anything.

"What truly is the hardest with Jaebum is that I just react and it's like I'm an outsider looking in" I mumble half drunkenly. Bells frown. "It's like I can't control myself, it's such raw and almost animal love you know" I say, not necessarily because I was sad but like a self reflection. "I know that feeling" She whispers and that is a completely different issue I will have to deep talk with her about. "Why did it have to be so damn hard?" I ask her, more demanding and she just looks at me. There is pitty there, she feels bad. "If I would have known I wouldn't have introduced you" She says and I shake my head furiously. "Even now, how bad it ended, it all, it was so worth it" I say and pray that it reach her soul so she can let go of the guilt of introducing us.

Yeah it was worth it I think to myself feeling myself slipping away.

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