Puzzled - Five

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I'm annoyed when she walks in to the office. She's late and I've worked a little too much and it's been a little bit to much drama. All the emails with suggestions that I had sent to JYPE had been denied. They didn't like them. I was spreading myself thin trying to please them and was regretting getting into business with JYPE in the first place. So she being barely 5 minutes late just pushed it to me.

That disappeared when I saw her face. The mix of happiness, fear and panic and the slight hint of green. "Woah what happened?" I ask and she doesn't meet my eyes and smiles. "I saw Han today" She says in the most love struck way I've ever seen her. I probably look like a question mark and she hurries and sit down at her desk. "Yes" I say and sitt down by my desk. She fiddles with her things and I roll my eyes. "Just tell me alright, I won't be mad" I say and she looks at me. "I know that" She huffs and I nod. "Good then tell me" I press on and finally she sighs.

"I think me and Han are a official thing now?" It sounds more like a question than anything. "Oh my god" I sprint up of the chair and hug her. "This is great news!" I shriek and hug her tightly. "Yah! My ears" She complain but I know she secretly likes it. I let her go. "Sooo, I mean how" I say and squint my eyes a little bit suspicious.

The rest of the afternoon is spent talking me through her feelings and how this was going to work with us right now seriously tightly knit with JYPE. I was truly so happy for her. Han was great. He was levelheaded serious for his age and head over heals for her. Jisung and I got along great. We didn't hang out outside of Bells get togethers or so but we were defiantly on good terms. To me and I think the rest of Stray Kidz had been pretty obvious with their feelings towards each other. It was just a matter of time. His way of protecting her and being there for here was all I asked for as a friend.

"So do you want to listen to the song?" I ask and she comes by my desk. As I play the song my eyes widen. Oh absolutely not. I got chills going down my body. Shit. This was going to be awkward for sure. "They are joking" Bells face is white and I gulp. "This does explain the concept though" I say and turn the music off. "So you are telling me we are producing 2PM" Bells says and sit down in her chair looking blankly out on the office. "Please tell me this is the last time we work with JYPE" I whine and Bells look at me. "You don't have to convince me!" She says and I laugh. "Alright game on now" I say and pull our massive planning board out. Both her and me prefer to have everything printed out in psychical copies.

I look over the board. Everything with green postitnotes are approved and everything red are declined and yellow are pending. Pretty selfexplonatory. At the time there are too many yellow and just a couple that are green. For example set had been approved, it was a common street we had filmed on many times. But outfits concept was still red or yellow. We wanted a more youthful approach but JYPE wanted to safe it. Before entering the behind the scenes of how a music video was made I couldn't have imagined the amount of work that went into it. I don't think we would ever get used to work so closely with idols we once had serious crushes on.

We both agree on the best approach and what we would believe would make the best set and video. The day for filming were coming running at us in full force and I worried a little if we would be able to get to the finish line. I go back writing description of the scenes and sketches who portray what would happen in each scene. Bells is in full sourcing mode and I hear her mumble to her self. Back door with stray kidz are blasting in our speakers and I can see a slight smile on her lips. I'm so happy for her. Finally a good boy comes around that deserves her. I would though need to speak with him. Like any best friend needs to.I gather my things and stand up.

"I'll head to the JYPE headqaters" I say over the music and Bells eyes doesn't leave her screen but waves me off. I laugh and walk out. Maybe I should try schedule in some dinner with Mathew when I'm in the area? I send out a quick text to Kard's Mathew and hope he has time. One of my favorite people in the world. The small cab ride is quiet.

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