I mean it can't get better than this - One

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Old versus new the constant war that goes on. It had been a while since I was introduced to the Korean culture. First now a few generations down i felt comfortable and not a rookie anymore. I was even accepted as an actual part of the society. With some exceptions of course. It wasn't too long since I received my own independent citizenship. I didn't anymore had to have the approval of a company or so on.  

Seoul in the summer was brutal but even in these hot condition I was so content and happy. I look twice before sprinting over the road. It's still early so there aren't even close to the amount of cars that it usually is. Bells are standing on the other side of the road and stompin her foot!

"Sorry! I have coffee as a sorry!" I say and reach out the coffee. Her frown eases up slightly and she smiles. "You know the way to my heart" I laugh and sigh out in relief. "You know JYPE isn't some company to just be late to" She says while happily sipping her coffee. The coffee is really helping me out. "Especially as it's our old company" I whisper while I try to calm myself down.

Bella or Bells as she prefers to be called met each other when we interned with JYPE 2015. We were recruited abroad and moved here with little to nothing. As we were the only two foreigners from Sweden we bonden fast and to be honest shes family now. It had been 3 years with JYPE that had been very educational and that I had to give them and I had a lot of appreciation for that.

Unfortunately the last year had been painful for the both of us. It was like they were actively trying to sabotage our careers. We realized that the other Korean interns were getting promoted and people to work with. We would find ourselfs in the famous 'basement' with scout jobs working much lower than our education and knowledge. Threatening us that we wouldn't find our own feet that we wouldn't get work visas and so on. At the end of our third year it just wasn't viable anymore. Bells and I had talked around with clients and friends in the business who all agreed we should start our own.

The first year I barely remember to be fully honest. We Basically lived in our office doing much of the renovation jobs on our own. Making the office look proper for the Business we were in. I was working at a lokal CVS and helping assisting shoots and Bells were working full time as an Private trainer at a private gym in the area at the time as well. It had been though but we survived. Barely but we survived. Today we were working full time having more offers and assignments than we could even do and could pick the once we liked to work with.

Coming back now as well established business owners were like getting a Christmas present early. Just walking in through the guest entrance was somewhat aerie. The heep with stans were waiting outside and looked at us like aliens. We just glide through to the so familiar lobby. So many angry meetings that had been held here. For them to let us go. It had been restricting to just work with JYPE as well if the times we worked on some entertainment shows didn't count.

"Can you believe they are coming back!" Bells gasp as the promotions of 2PM are anywhere and everywhere in the building. "Absolutely I mean who else were they going to promote with GOT7 gone" I say and rolling my eyes. "It's not like DAY6 needs promotion" I mutter. "Get in a good mood Ems this is our revenge body, coming back successful, you're ruining my good mood" Bells whines and nudges my shoulder and I try to shake the bitter feeling. The poor assistant shows us into a meeting room while looking nervous. I understood her and felt for here. So I did my best to smile and be as convenient I could.

"Do you want any waters or coffee? We have a fully stocked coffee on the roof" She informs us and I shake my head smiling at her. "You know what I could do with another coffee if that's alright?" Bells ask and the assistant nods, bows and walks out. "isn't this soo weird" I gasp almost as if I'm out of breath. Bells laugh. "I mean yeah, last time we were here, we were thrown out head first, now they are treating us so nicely" She says and I agree. It's spooky.

Soon the door openes and in comes the team we will work with. I recognize two people that we had worked with before leaving JYPE. We introduce ourselves and the following hours consists with us agreeing and not agreeing on the terms of work agreements during the time we will help out with the Music video. In most of these meetings we never get to know who we are going to work for. We just get to know what feeling, theme and money we have to roam with. Both Bells and I sketch plan on days that we could do shoot and concepts.

"Before we go further we will need the song" I say and Bells nods in agreement. "Okay we will send it out to you tonight please listen to it discreetly and return with concept and venues" The head of the comeback department says and we both nod. "Then I think that's it. Me and Emma will need a couple of days to fully get everything together so say a meeting in a weeks time to see how far we've come and what you think?" Bella says and always at times like this I get so impressed shes so incredibly organized and professional. It really didn't feel like she was the same girl that I met so long ago.

The meeting ends and we end up at the caffee to just get our shit together before we leave for the office. It's now almost dark outside and I smile happily at the light pastel skies outside. "I got to give it to them, it's one awesome office" I nod to myself with the coffee cup in my hand. "Doesn't mean I miss this place but still, nice place" I nod and Bells huff.

"Noonaaaa!" Instantly my face draw up a grin and Bells frown picking up her cup. Chanbin come jogging towards us. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to be here?" He says and Bells glare at him. These two are like siblings I swear to god. "Why do you keep calling me nona" She retorts and I laugh. "Technically I was calling Emma that but you know if you see it that way" He says and I can tell he's pissing her off intentionally. "We are not close enough for you to call me Noona" I say and Chanbin looks at me like I've ruined his plans. "Ha! Told you" Bells point at Chanbin and he surrenders.

"I'll leave this party, I'll talk to you later" I say while pointing to Bella. "And you two play nice" I say and wave as I walk towards the elevators. Chanbin had been part of Bells life for so long. They got familiar in the beginning of our internship when she helped out with the trainees. Since then they speak nearly every day and work out all the time. He's also frequently at our house.

I have a wide smile on my face as the elevator doors open. But it's washed away quickly. "What are you doing here?" He says and the knots start forming. "I was going to ask the same" I say firmly and walk past him. "Emma please" He says and walk back towards the elevator again. "Absolutely not Jaebum" I say and stare intensely into the elevator wall. "I've missed you" He whispers and it's like knives are cutting me open. The elevator starts moving. Why is he here. "I'm just here finishing up some things" He mumbles almost like he's read my mind. I press my lips together. I have nothing to say. "Honey" He says and takes a step towards me. I put my hand out. "We were never good for one another" I say trying to stick to my words. I look up and see his eyes. Desperate. "Please don't do this" I ask nicely. "I love you still" He says and the elevator doors open.

"I don't have time for this, goodbye Jaebum" I say and walk out onto the street.

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