Mixed up - Four (xobells)

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This part's written by Bells, find me @xobells

When the shoot's over a few hours later, Yunho asks if I want to eat with him. I say yes because I don't have anything else planned until later in the evening. Having idol friends is hard in many ways, but sometimes it's simple. I've known Ateez for so long and the media is very aware of this, so no one raises an eye when I'm seeing with them in public. I mean, there's even pictures of me and Ateez on my Instagram. Like, not "hello this is what I did for work today hehe" kind of pictures but, "I got wasted with my friends at a bbq place" kind of pictures. The fans didn't really understand or support it at first. But I think they all realized after a while that I am just Ateez's friend, plus I've even appeared in some of their V Lives. The first time was absolutely an accident as I called Wooyoung and had no idea he was live. He answered and didn't think it was weird. His fans went crazy. My mentions on Twitter and comment section on Instagram were a bit crazy after that. Then it was the time I went to pick up Hongjoong in his studio to drive him home after he'd had some Soju and he thought it was a good idea to introduce me to Atiny properly. It kind of helped, because it calmed down after that. Until me and Wooyoung were photographed together getting coffee and Dispatch went wild with rumors. KQ being the wonderful and chill company they are, just shut it down and explained that I was a previous employee and a good friend of the boys and it wasn't weirder that I got coffee with them than if their manager would. I'm forever thankful they dealt with it. Yunho and I take my car, as he got dropped off by their manager. We wave goodbye to their manager who looks relieved to have some time off. I drive to a nearby restaurant whilst Yunho tells me about the shoot.

"I saw you spoke to Dawon hyung" he says and I glare at him.



I roll my eyes. "Well, the usual. He said he misses me, and that he wants to hang out. I said no."

Yunho laughs. "He never gives up huh?"


"I guess you haven't changed your mind about giving him another chance?"

I park the car and stop the engine. "No, besides. It could never work. You think his members would allow that to happen?"

He frowns. "Yeah, maybe not. You still don't know who went to the PD?"

I shake my head. "No, but I have my suspicions."

Yunho gets out of my car and as I do the same, my phone vibrates in my hand. I check it and see that it's a message in the group chat I have with Stray Kids. So that means, it'll overflow with messages in about 2 minutes. I throw it down in my bag. It can wait. But it'll be hell to catch up later. We enter the restaurant and I can tell the server recognizes Yunho. Yunho just smiles and we sit down at a table. I can actually hear my phone vibrating now and I pick it up from my bag quickly.

LK: Hey noona why were you at JYPE yesterday?

F: You were here?! And you didn't come see us?

SM: I feel offended

IN: Maybe she was busy

CB: She's never too busy to see me

BC: Ah, I saw her! She had a meeting

HJ: How did you know.... But not the rest of us?

BC: Calm down I just ran into her

CB: She told me that it was a meeting about a comeback but not what group

F: I hope it's us

HJ: I don't

BC: Ya!

H: Maybe it's 2PM?

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