Yandere Basil x Reader (GENERAL HEADCANONS)

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(requested by @Seleverflakes)



✦Master manipulator

✦He'd definitely use his injuries as an advantage to get you to pay attention to him and him only.

✦Basil would most definitely cry for your help whenever Aubrey decides to pick on him.

✦Nobody would suspect him to be a yandere type, just a boy who is too pathetic to defend himself so he asks for his significant other to defend him.

✦Anything you give him he would cherish, new plant? He would probably name it after you lets be honest, yandere or not.

✦Very clingy, you're with him 24/7.

✦He's probably the most insecure yandere in the entire group. He would get so terrified if you ever met someone new and became their friend.

✦"O-Oh no....Y/N found a new friend...what if they get a crush on that person! What if they leave me for them! Please don't let Y/N leave me!"

✦He's terrified at the thought of you leaving him. He doesn't want to be alone again.

✦He would probably start crying if you tried to leave so you could go back to your house.

"Y/N!! P-Please don't go yet!! Stay! Please!" Basil said between sobs. Basil buried his face into Y/N's right shoulder as he grabbed onto their shirt with a deadly grip that made his knuckles turn white.

"Basil! I have to go!" Y/N protested, desperately trying to get him off of. "No, y-you don't! If I-It's sleep you're concerned about, sleepover! Y-Y/N please!" He begged.

You had no choice but to sleep there for the night, you couldn't even go home to get clothes. He insisted you wore his own clothes instead.

✦He loves hanging out in his house, that way your attention is focused on him and him only.

✦When it comes to confessions, it would take a long time for him to gather courage. He would probably practice in the mirror if I'm being honest.

✦The day would have to be prefect, if it was perfect then you would most definitely accept! Right?

✦If you accepted, happiest day of his life! He's immediately thinking about the future!

✦I'm gonna be honest here, Yandere Basil would probably be those toxic people that threaten to kill themselves if you left them.

✦But the difference is that he would actually kill himself.

✦He honestly thinks he can't live without you. You have to stay with him! He can't let you leave! He'll do anything to keep you.

✦But, what if you rejected him?

The vanilla scent hit your nose, currently you were in Basil's house. His house was filled to the brim with several different plants and flowers.

You were sitting down on his couch, with his head on your lap and you gently massaging his scalp.

This was considered heaven to Basil, his favorite person and crush, letting him lay onto their lap as they massaged the top of his head?

He felt so relaxed, he closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the moment.

You looked at the clock on his wall, it read 5:43 PM. It was time to go home, you sighed. You knew telling Basil wouldn't end well but you had to get home.

You patted Basil's head to get his attention.

"Basil, I have to go home. My mom is waiting for me, I'll see you tomorro-"

"No! You can't!" Basil exclaimed as he swiftly got up from your lap. Basil pushed you onto the couch as you yelped in surprise. "Basil!"

He climbed on top of you and put most of his weight onto you, forcing you to stay put. "I-I haven't gotten the chance to-to tell you yet!"

You raised an eyebrow, tell you what?

"I-I wanted to tell you today..but I was so distracted with you letting me lay on your lap.." He said, a blush slowly creeping onto his face.

Oh no.

"Y/N I-I.."

This isn't good.


He wouldn't handle this well.


He wouldn't take this fact well, that..


That you don't feel the same way.

"P-Please date me! I-I love you so m-much Y-Y/N!!" He begged.

"Basil..I..I don't feel the same way.." You responded, his eyes widened.

"Y-You don't love me back..? W-Why! I-Is it because I-I'm not your type? I-I'm not good enough? I'll change! Give me a chance, please!" He begged, clinging onto you and putting all of his weight onto you.

"Basil, I-I can't breathe!"

"What's wrong with me! Did you-you fall in love with someone else? T-TELL ME!" He cried.

"N-Nothing is wrong...I just see you as a friend.." You said, you were running out of oxygen.

"I.." Basil got off of you and off of the couch. He started backing away from you as you gasped for air.

"I-I'm sorry! I'm such a bad person! I-I almost killed you! Forgive me, Y/N!" He yelled before bolting for the bathroom.

You quickly got up and ran out the front door.

You never spoke to him again.

You wondered why you never saw him come out of his house.

You wondered why there were sirens.

You wondered why the paramedics and the police were there.


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