Chapter 1 - harreh

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Harry's POV
On Monday, I wake up to the sound of my alarm. It's annoying as hell so I scramble over to it and press snooze. Unfortunately for me, it only takes about two more minutes before it's beeping again. This time, however, I'm awake enough to turn it off and throw it. I'm not sure where it lands and frankly I don't care. I attempt to get out of bed, I swear I do, but my bed was just so comfy.

"Five more minutes couldn't hurt," I say to myself already half asleep.

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Shit! is the first thing I think when I finally wake up and see the time. It's already 7:30 which means I'm late. I hurry to get ready not really giving a shit about what I look like. Well, I mean I look in the mirror for a bit just to make sure I'm not a complete wreck and then I rush to my car to get to school.

I finally get there and get out of my car. I thought I would be in a huge hurry but I'm thinking about it and like I'm already late so what's a little more time off the clock. Plus I'm so damn tired. Apparently the extra minutes really didn't do me any good.

As I'm walking to class it becomes hard to not notice the looks coming my way. I choose to ignore them though and just go to my locker. Or at least I try but there's some blonde girl standing right in front of it. She meets my eyes and takes a reluctant step towards me. Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't -

"Uh Harry, hi," she greets putting on her best smile.


"Hi," I attempt to match her enthusiasm but it must have fallen flat as she quickly steps away.

"S-sorry," she mumbles and walks over to another girl.

"Why was he glaring at you?" the other girl asks in a loud whisper.

"I don't know," the blonde girl says with a shaky voice.

I shake my head and block out the rest of their conversation. I thought I looked friendly as hell thank you very much. So much for treating people with kindness. I finally get my locker open and get my stuff out. I figure I'm already gonna miss first period so I can continue to take my sweet time. I'm still in no mood to talk to anyone, it's way to early for that shit. Luckily for me most people get the memo and don't try to bother me. Well most people.

"Excuse me," I hear a voice say, but this time it's a man's.

     This story is complete!! Honestly I kind of hate this chapter cause it's more like a prologue but the later chapters are so much better! I did go a bit crazy on some of them but this is my first story so maybe that's an acceptable excuse. But anyways I hope you enjoy this story of soft long haired Harry!!
P.S. I hope the writing and grammar is okay I mean it's not perfect but I hope it's tolerable :)

Posted a new book called 'Friends' check it out if you're interested!! <3

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