Q- I get distracted too much. While writing do you listen to some music or you want the atmosphere to be serious?

- Listening to music while writing?! Hell no sis, I almost wrote Mic Drop's lyrics for dialogues once. My atmosphere does not really impact my writing as long as I am in mood to write. If I want some music, I just play songs which don't have lyrics in them like Magenta riddim, Jungle whistle and a few more.

Q- How tf are you so damn creative?

- Me and creative?-

Kai: She is a potato who is very lazy and likes to bury her face in comics and chug down cups of coffee rather than doing something productive.

Yes, that's more like it.

Q- What inspired you for the story?

- Okay, this might sound a rugged line used plenty of times but, my readers did. Before I had started writing this in drafts, I had realised there are not much mafia AUs out there featuring Enhypen so in order to give a new content and try something new, I wrote this story.

Beomgyu: sO tOucHiNg oH mY gOdDdD

Q- While writing action scenes, do you recreate a scene from a movie or series or something or do you wait for it to come to you naturally?

- So the answer to this is a bit different as far as I think. In the entire book, I have probably used only one or two single fight scene from movies. The rest of the fighting scenes are actually written on the basis of the tips that my karate sir gave us and my adrenalin just going crazy as usual.

Q- As a writer, could you give me some tips on building a character and maintaining suspense throughout the book?

- So one thing I always do while I build the main character is that it is always some or the other version of me. Like, if you have read my other books and look closely, you might realise that there is something common between them because they are just different versions of the same person. It might sound weird but trust me, it makes the character relatable in such a way that predicting their behaviour to the situation thrown at them will come to you naturally because you already know that character really well as if it's you. And then you can add some desired qualities which is required by the lead for your story. And about the other side characters, I usually decide their main quality and then build on top of that such that it goes well with the story.

And about the suspense, just don't reveal anything in one go. Reveal the facts when it becomes necessary and you can't continue your story without that particular fact. I hope these tips were useful!

Q- Did you imagine the plot like seeing a movie while writing?

- Yes and yes! I imagine it like a movie because it adds the dRaMa and pUnCh, you kNoW. Like, whenever I am writing something, I usually imagine it happening in front of my eyes and then I write it down in words, so you can actually say that. 

Q- Would you write a season two of this book?

- You guys can't live without asking this question, huh? Okay fine. Maybe I might- emphasis on the might- write a book but it will be a spinoff and a Yeonjun fanfiction. Preferably, I would write it in such a way that those who haven't read this book will also understand the context and stuff so yeah, would be a sequel as well as an entire new book altogether.

But honestly, I really don't think there would be much role of Enhypen but I can say that there will be bits here and there where Diana would be the major thing.

I would be writing this only if I come up with a perfect plot to be honest, owing to the fact that most of the spinoffs are not that good and I kinda don't want that. So the chances of book two are very slim but not zero.

Q- Do you work in a mafia?


Q- Why are you so amazing?

- Please y'all kids gonna make me cry like come on, we all are awesome sheesh.

Jade: Okayy so that's the end of our Q/A! I would like to thank each and every reader for reading this and supporting it, it truly means a lot.

Diana: Bye everyone! Stay safe and keep a look out if Jade decides to drop the spinoff! *switches off the camera*

"That was one heck of a long Q/A."

"I'm so hungry right now that this furniture looks tasty to me."

"Damn Jade, furniturebalism."

"What the actual heck Sunghoon-"

"Everyone shut up and tell me which flavour pizza y'all wanna feast on."

"Do we look like hungry wolves, Soobin?"


"No one got any respect in here sheesh."


"Now what, Jake?"

"We didn't turn the microphone off..."


"God I think I'm gonna die of embarrassment."

"You bet, Diana."


The End.

(nah I felt like going informal so enjoy :D)

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