31 | boyfriend to the rescue

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Diana's POV

I quietly climbed down the bed, the knives ready in my hand to attack, as I walked over to Taehwan's side. I stood in front of him, ready to stab when suddenly his hand stretched out, gripping my hand and turning it in such a way that the knife was right in front of my throat.

"What do you think you are doing, kitten?" I heard Taehwan speak in a low voice, almost growling in anger. My eyes widened, shocked, as I wondered how had the latter anticipated my attack. Taehwan got up, as a dark chuckle left his mouth, his hands still gripping mine.

"I woke up when the bed creaked. I lied still, wondering what you were up to but it seems that you were caught in the act, sweetheart." He spoke sweetly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I jerked my hand, freeing it from his gasp, as I raised my elbow, hitting him on the jaw. He stumbled back on the impact but soon regained himself, as he attacked me, trying to get rid of the knives in my hand. Soon, he pinned me to the wall, turning my hand in such a way that the knife in my hand was just a centimeter away from my throat.

Suddenly, I heard many gunshots and yells. Taehwan paused, confused at the commotion outside, giving me the opportunity to knee him in his stomach, freeing myself from his grasp.

"So you are not alone, hmm?" He asked me, as he dodged my kick on his face, responding it with a punch which I blocked just in time.

"I was never alone." I huffed, kicking him on his chest. He stumbled and fell down on the bed. I quickly went towards him, my knife in my hand, as I loomed over him, my knife on his throat. Just before I could finish my job, he pushed me in such a way that he was on top of me, as he pinned my hand down in which I had my knife. He used his other hand to choke me.

"I was so close making you mine, kitten. Only if you hadn't done this, you wouldn't have had to die like this." He said, as his grip on my neck tightened, choking me. I resisted, as I tried to free myself but in vain. I used my other free hand to grab hold of his neck but he was out of my reach.

"I was...never yours...to...begin...with." I managed to choke out, as I tried to grab my other knife which had fallen out of my hand and was lying on the bed but unfortunately, it was out of reach too.

Suddenly, the door busted open and a loud gunshot was heard. Taehwan's grip loosed a bit and I used the opportunity to stab him in his stomach. "It wouldn't have ended like this if you had not chosen this path." I said, my teeth clenched, as I took out the knife from his stomach, pushing him away from me, as I gasped. The male's body fell on the floor, dead.

"She's mine, you bitch." I heard someone say from the door. I looked towards my side and saw Jake standing with a gun in his hand which was pointed at Taehwan, his face covered in sweat and his forehead stained with blood. I coughed, as I gasped for air. Jake rushed towards me, as he sat on the bed beside me, caressing my face as I panted.

"Are you alright?" He asked, as he looked at my cheek, which was bleeding, worry evident in his eyes. I nodded, as I inhaled deeply, coughing. He helped me sit up straight, so that I could breathe properly. I took deep breaths and soon, I was able to breathe normally.

"I'm fine now." I said, letting out a small sigh, as I looked at Taehwan's body on the ground. Jake followed my gaze, as he looked at the male. he turned his head back, looking at me.

"He got what he deserved, don't worry." He said, to which I nodded slowly. Suddenly, he cupped my face, crashing his lips onto mine, kissing me. I immediately kissed back, as I wrapped my hand around his neck, snaking my fingers into his hair. "I thought I almost lost you." He said in between the kisses. I smiled, kissing him back the last time, as I pulled apart.

"What about Taehwan's other men?" I asked him. He shrugged his shoulders casually.

"There weren't many men so that task was done quite quickly. The rest of the guys are putting up explosives." He said, standing up. I nodded, as I quickly wore my boots and stood up, ready to leave. As soon as we walked out of the room, we saw Ni-Ki coming running towards us.

"We have put up the explosives. We need to leave before we get caught by anyone." He said, as he panted for breath. I nodded, as we quickly turned to leave. As soon as we went outside, we came across the others, who were hurriedly getting into the cars.

"Ours car is already full. You can get into you brother's." Jake said, as he pointed towards the car behind me. I quickly nodded, as I ran and opened the door of the backseat, getting in. I looked to my side and saw Beomgyu already sitting there, with some sort of a detonator in his hand, along with his phone, which was on a call and put on speaker. Soon after a few seconds, Kai, Yeonjun, Taehyun and Soobin, battered and bleeding, ran towards our car, quickly opening the doors and getting in.

"The explosives are already placed and Enhypen is in their car." Yeonjun said, as he started the car and drove away from the house, following Enhypen's car. Beomgyu nodded, as he pressed the button on the detonator. I looked behind and saw explosions happening in the house through the open door and windows, which resulted in the entire structure catching fire. I turned my head to look forward, as I exhaled deeply, closing my eyes. Suddenly, I felt two warm hands wrap around me.

"Diana, we missed you!" Beomgyu said, as he hugged me from side. I laughed, as I patted his head. Everyone in the car started laughing at his childishness.

"Soobin, I should have let you drive. I can't smack my sister now because she literally put her life in a huge danger to do this." Yeonjun said, as he threw playful glares at me from the rear-view mirror. I laughed, shaking my head.

"You brought my bow? You promised me in the letter." I said, raising my eyebrow. I saw Soobin nod from the front seat.

"That was the first thing he put in this car because he knew if he didn't bring it, you would have probably killed him too along with those men." He said, laughing, showing off his cute dimples. I laughed, as I leaned forward a bit to smack Yeonjun's head lightly from behind.

"You make me look as if I'm some bratty sister!" I said, pouting, causing everyone to crack up.

Avenge || Jake SimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora