32 | suspicious brother

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Diana's POV

"We just have two extra rooms." Heeseung said, shrugging his shoulders, as he looked at TXT. I started laughing, as I looked at the five guys, who were looking at each other thinking that they would have to share beds.

"If you guys are thinking that you have to share beds, then you are wrong. We have bunch of extra mattresses on which you all can sleep, separately." I said, before bursting into peals of laughter. I saw Taehyun sigh in relief, a relieved expression on his face. I looked at him, confused, thinking what made him so relieved. He looked at me, chuckling, as if he knew what I was thinking.

"At least I won't be kicked by anyone in the middle of the night." He said, before bursting into peals of laughter. It lightened up the mood a lot, as everyone started laughing at what the red-haired male just said.

Soon, we all freshened up, as the youngest of the groups were given the task to take out three extra mattresses from the storage, which they did efficiently. Soon, we assembled into the dining hall for dinner, and for thinking out our next plan.

I was sitting in between Jake and Yeonjun, Taehyun sitting opposite to me and the rest in other places. I saw Yeonjun glancing every now and then at Jake, curious why the latter was attached to me so much.

"I'm pretty sure Jungwoo will get the news by tomorrow that Scorpions is no more." Taehyun said, as he shoved some food inside his mouth. I nodded, agreeing with him. "And we have three to four days in our hand before we strike again." He added, looking at everyone. Everyone muttered in agreement, a few heads nodding.

"Taehyun, let's not talk about this while eating. It will be disgrace to the heavenly food which is kept in front of us." Sunoo said, furrowing his eyebrows, as he looked at Taehyun with a annoyed expression, causing all of us to crack up.

"Alright. Let's discuss about this after dinner." Jake said, chuckling, as he resumed eating. We all were having our dinner, chatting among ourselves when Yeonjun nudged me from side. I turned my head, looking at him confused. He tilted his head a bit, glancing at Jake, and saw him busy talking with Kai.

"Why is Jake so clingy with you?" He asked, whispering in my ear. I started laughing so hard that I choked on my food which was in my mouth. Yeonjun yelped in surprise, as he handed me a glass of water, which I chugged down quickly, as I stopped coughing.

"You wanted to ask me that?!" I whispered, my voice a bit hoarse from all the coughing. He nodded slowly. "Don't freak out." I said, as I kept the glass back on the table. He raised an eyebrow suspiciously, looking at me with a questioning look. "We are dating." I said, smiling innocently. Yeonjun's eyes widened, as he looked at me and then at Jake.

"No way. I can't believe my delusional sister is dating." He whispered, shocked, as he looked at me with wide eyes. I chuckled at his reaction.

"You better believe it." I said, flicking his forehead lightly, as I went back eating.

"What are you two siblings whispering?" Taehyun asked, raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, chuckling, as I looked at Yeonjun who was pretending to be very busy eating so that he can say he didn't hear the question.

"Random rants." I said, trying not to laugh and choke on my food for the second time. Everyone glanced at us both suspiciously but then soon resumed eating.


"You sure that you are not a part of any mafia?" Jake asked, playing with my hair. We both were in our room, lying down after we had discussed a rough plan. I turned my head which was on his chest, the other way to look at him.

"No I'm not." I said, chuckling. He furrowed his eyebrows, curious.

"You were going to join TXT right?" He asked, his eyes on me. I turned, my back facing the mattress, as I stared at the ceiling, letting out a deep sigh.

"Yes I was, but I don't think I'm going to. They are really good already." I said, sitting up, as I shifted such that I was lying down beside him. His eyebrows shot up in surprise, silently asking me for the reason. "I'm not sure." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Join ours then." He spoke softly. I shook my head in denial.

"I don't want to join any, that's not what I exactly want to do." I said, turning to my side to face him. "I haven't decided yet." I said, shrugging my shoulders, as I rested my head on my hand, lifting it up.

"Whatever you do, I'll be there for you." He said, smiling, as he moved up a bit, pecking my lips softly. "By the way, did that Taehwan dolt do anything to you?" He asked, a serious expression on his face. I chuckled, as I shook my head.

"Nope. I didn't let him but he kissed my jaw once." I said, nodding, then I clasped my mouth shut, as I realised what I had just said. I looked down at the male, who was boring eyes into me. Suddenly out of nowhere, I was flipped such that Jake was looming on top of me.

"What did he do?" He asked, angry, as if he was almost growling. My eyes widened in shock.

"It was a small peck Jake. He thought I loved him so he did that- He was going to kiss me you know but I stopped him from doing-" I ranted but I was forced to shut up as the male crashed his lips onto mine, pulling me into a rough kiss.

"He dared to lay his finger on you. I swear if I was present there, I would have brought hell onto him." He said, in between the kisses.

"Diana do you have an extra-" I suddenly heard Yeonjun saying loudly from outside, as I heard him approaching our room. I pushed away Jake with such force that the poor guy fell on the floor with a loud thud.

"Yeah?" I asked, shaken, as I glanced at the male who was on the floor, muttering curses under his breath, his eyes closed shut.

"Did someone just fall?" Yeonjun asked, as he looked at me, confused. I sighed, as I realised he had seen nothing.

"Yeah, Jake fell from the bed while he was picking up his- his bracelet which had fallen on the ground." I lied, chuckling nervously. Yeonjun's eyes widened, worry evident on his face.

"Jake, are you alright?" He called out, worried.

"Yes, I'm absolutely fine." Jake replied, as he stretched out his hand upwards, showing a thumbs up to Yeonjun. I covered my mouth, muffling my giggles.

"Yeah so, you have an extra toothbrush? I forgot to bring mine." Yeonjun said, chuckling nervously. I rolled my eyes, as I stood up from the bed, walking towards the drawer and taking out a new one which I had bought for myself long back. I walked over to the door, as I handed it to him. "Thanks." He said, smiling, as he took the brush from me and left. I closed the door, as soon as he went out of sight.

"I'm sorry!" I said, before bursting out into peals of laughter, as I rushed towards the male who was lying on the ground, making a pouty face. I stretched my arm, offering it to him. He took it, as he heaved himself up.

"Thanks to you, I have a broken back." He said, glaring at me as I continued to laugh.

"You know my pain now." I said, as I tried to stifle my laughs, as I softly patted his shoulder. He muttered a quite "Shut up." as he walked away, dropping on the bed to sleep. I laughed, as I switched off the lights and retired to bed.

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