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A/N: I'm sorry y'all. I've been at a cabin with no service but I DO have one-shots to make up for all the days I missed. I just have to edit them.

This is part 2 of Let me Help You

Also, Rex would make the most amazing father, change my mind.

Your screams shattered Rex's heart. The sight of your face distorted in agony left him feeling helpless.

He wished more than anything to take the pain away from you, to protect you from the pain your unborn son was inflicting upon you.

"Shhh cyare, it's okay. You're doing so well" Rex cooed.

He was trying his best to be there for you.

He would wipe the sweat from your brow when drops threatened to fall. He would let you grip onto his hand, holding it to you like it could save you. He would push pieces of your hair back when they fell into your eyes.

It had been 14 hours already and he was hoping his son would come soon.

Any longer, and he was afraid it might kill you.

In between contractions, you would pull him close, he leaning over the medical bed, you just holding onto his arm and burying yourself in it.

He would take his stray hand and run it through your hair, massaging your scalp to get you to momentarily forget about the soreness creeping through your body.

He would whisper to you, your only acknowledgment to his words made through small whimpers and nods of your head.

You were in so much pain, and he couldn't do anything about it.

It was late in the night, speeders were rushing by the medical bay window, the nightlife was busy.

Your eyelids were heavy with sleep and you wished more than anything you could sleep. But maker, your son was still kicking your ass.

You hoped you would have been fortunate enough to have an easy delivery considering your entire pregnancy had been so hard on you.


When you had gone into labor, your anxiety spiked but you rejoiced.

You had been sitting with Rex at his desk going over battle plans and tactics.

Although you hadn't been into the field since month six, you still helped the many battalions as much as possible.

You had wished dearly to be in battle, but even if you were permitted, Rex would never allow it. You meant too much to him. Especially now that you two were having a baby. It had been such a process to even get to the point you were ready, he didn't want anything to happen to you two.

At his desk only 14 hours earlier, you and Rex had been discussing plans for an upcoming mission the 501st were to go on.

Rex, luckily, had been given leave as it was no secret the General of the 84th and the Captain of the 501st's baby was due any day.

"Have you been given any entail about this series of catacombs over here?" You said as you got up from your seat beside Rex to point to a corner on the holo-map.

Your hand was firmly placed on your belly and as you got up you took a breath as anything at this point took so much effort.

As you stood next to Rex, who was still sitting, he began to name off some facts of the area but you had tuned him out as you felt the weirdest sensation below your stomach.

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