Looking at Him~Hardcase

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A/N: justice for my boy Hardcase 😔
You deserve the galaxy.

You and Hardcase went way back.

He was one of the very few clones you got to meet working on Kamino as Master Shaak Ti's padawan.

When you were fortunate enough to finally meet him and his squad, he stood out from the rest.

He was loud and obnoxious. The opposite of everything you had been trained to be.

Shaak Ti was an amazing master, and you owed her your life, but she was reserved, quiet almost.

When you questioned her about why she was so quiet, compared to other Generals and Masters (your older brother Anakin for example), she told you she found strength in the silence, and because of that, she was more respected and admired.

Over your time learning under Shaak Ti, you picked up many of her mannerisms.

You learned to enjoy the silence and relish in it. Finding strength from the quiet.

Hardcase, on the other hand, was quite the opposite.

He was rambunctious and loud, but he was funny.

His idiocy drew you in. You found yourself idly standing by and just watching his antics play out.

You never intervened, never spoke to him. You just watched.

While he was on Kamino, that was all the interaction that ever happened between the two of you.

You would just watch each other.

You didn't know why, you couldn't explain it.

All you wanted to do all day was look at him, watch him tell jokes, and pull pranks. That was it.

When his training was done and he was sent to the 501st, you cheered a little bit, hoping that once he was under your brother's supervision, that you would be able to see him more often and maybe, just maybe, talk to him.

Months went by and your own training was complete. You had been knighted and given your own battalion, the 84th.

You gradually gave up on the fantasies about Hardcase merely because you never heard about him anymore.

Your own brother was busy most of the time so you weren't surprised you hadn't heard from any of them in a while so you just let it be.


A year had gone by since you had been knighted and you had met someone.

Now, there were moments you wished you had talked to Hardcase, tried to imagine things would have been perfect with him, but no matter how hard you tried, you could never seem to reach him.

There had even been a few times you had sent Anakin after him but to no avail. You simply thought he wasn't interested.

Commander Thorn was sweet, but he wasn't perfect and he most certainly wasn't the one you were meant to be with.

Thorn had a demanding presence. One that many feared.

When you had first met him, you were petrified of him. You had heard the stories about him and his shock team but he was quite the opposite with you.

He was everything you were looking for in a man, or so you thought.

He was perfect for about five months but then after that, everything was on his terms.

You truly thought you couldn't do much better so when he asked you to marry him, you reluctantly said yes.


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