The Tragedy with a Happy Ending~Rex (Part 3)

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A/N: This is the juiciest one of all. I promise after this dark chapter, there's a happy ending, Scout's honor.

Buckle up.

Before you could even take another breath, Rex was asking questions left and right,
"An Erso? I thought you were a Kenobi? Cyare what killed your family? What really happened here?"

"Rex" you simply called out and that brought his attention back to you.

"I'm sorry... why haven't you told me this before?"

"I've never spoken of this before because what happened here 13 years ago has haunted me."

Rex looked at you thoughtfully and encouraged you to continue by placing his hand on your lower back.

You gave Rex a small but sad smile and started telling your story. "I was just 8 years old when this all happened. My parents often worked alongside Queen and Senator Organa. My siblings and I grew up calling them Uncle Bail and Aunt Breha" you smiled at the small memory.

"My parents were strong people. They fought for what they believed in and never backed down. Rumors were spread that the Sith were rising to power again and that Chancellor Palpatine was behind it. My parents often spoke out publicly against him. My parents and the Organas never trusted that man. The night before their deaths, my parents had done a special broadcast to all of Alderaan and a few outer systems, hoping other Senators and planets would rally with them to remove Palpatine from his position in the Senate and destroy the Sith before they came to full power. Many supported my parents and many grew to despise them. Angry they would say such things about their 'beloved' chancellor" you rolled your eyes at your last remark.

Taking a deep breath and leaning into Rex's side a bit, you continued, "Rex what happens next, it's the toughest to talk about. I'm also about to tell you something you cannot tell anyone. Only Masters Yoda, Windu, Kenobi, and Skywalker know this." You paused, "You see this little boy my father has his arm around?" Rex nodded, leaning forward a bit, mentally preparing him the best he could for what you were about to share.

"That little boy is my older brother,
Andrius. He was nine years old when the murders happened" you take a breath, "I wasn't the only one that survived that night. Andrius did too. Rex... Anakin is Andrius."

Rex looked up at you suddenly, thinking back to all the moments he saw you two being extremely close, the moments Anakin seemed to know things Rex did not. It made sense.

Anakin was your older brother.

"Cyare why hide his identity? Why make everyone believe you were the only one that survived?"

"When my younger sister Sylvia was born, rumors arose that Andrius, well, Anakin, was the Chosen One. Many sought out Anakin, both good and bad, to take him away and train him in whatever arts they practiced. My parents fought off the rumors the best they could, but when they died there was no one left to protect him"

Rex nodded, understanding that he was hidden away for his safety, and potentially the galaxies.

You took another deep breath, continuing with your complex yet tragic story, "The night after my parents publicly denounced their support for Chancellor Palpatine, my parents wanted to celebrate their bold move and invited Bail and Breha over for dinner. It was late and already dark outside. My mother had spent all day making food for our entire family. Halfway through our meal, I could sense a shift in the atmosphere. At that time I didn't know I was force sensitive. I didn't know the shift I was sensing was the arrival of a Sith Lord."

You tensed at the dark memory.

"I remember looking up and catching Ani's eyes, he could feel it too. I glanced over to my father and before I could even say a word to him, he was dead on the table. A man in a dark cloak had crashed through the window my father was seated in front of and plunged a red lightsaber through his chest. My mother began screaming. Anakin and I stood up quickly, each picking up a twin, who were only three at the time. Bail and Breha rushed us out of the house, instructing us to not look back. I can still hear them yelling at us to run. The five of us kids ran as fast as we could from our home.

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