I'll Protect You, Always~Wolffe

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A/N: Here you go lovelies! I'm trying to write as much as I can right now since I'm on vacation but I hope y'all like this one! I have such a soft spot for Wolffe, I ain't even gonna lie

You had been without him for weeks now. You had hoped that finally leaving, finally ending such a tumultuous relationship would finally bring you peace, but it hadn't.

Ending your relationship with Wolffe was perhaps the worst thing you could've done.

You loved Wolffe with all your heart, you still did. You could feel it in your bones that he was your soulmate, the one the stars destined you to be with, but things often felt so wrong.

Wolffe never did anything to hurt you, in fact, behind his rough demeanor, he was utterly and completely in love with you. He did anything and everything to show you he loved you and did all in his power to be there for you when he was away, but that was exactly the issue.

He was away so often and for so long, it began to feel like you were merely dating the idea of Wolffe and not his physical self.


Things had finally come to an end when Wolffe was gone on a six month long mission. You had gotten used to his long missions and understood his position in the Republic and what was expected of him.

During his six months away, you never heard from him once. Never received a message or anything of the sort from him. When he had finally come home he was, well, different.

The night he walked through the door for the first time in months, you had rushed to him, eager to see him, to hold him. But he was so distant. He seemed to be in another galaxy.

The look in his eyes was one you had never seen before: pain, rage, and a hint of suffering.

Standing before you then was not the Wolffe you had been with for almost a year, instead, it was the image of a broken man.

Rushing to him eagerly, crashing yourself into him in the doorway quickly turned into a full-blown fight, and you, with a broken heart, kicking him out of your apartment.

That final night together was something you wished to forget. Actually, you regretted it.

Wolffe must've seen things, heard things no human was meant to see or hear.

When you had attempted to comfort him, he pushed you away.

He was short with you, angry actually, that you were wanting to help him.

"Please sweetheart, what wrong? Please tell me"

"STOP- stop calling me sweetheart" he called back through gritted teeth.

His sudden outburst scared you. He had never yelled at you.

"I'm sorry... I-I just want to help you"

Wolffe got up from the couch roughly, throwing his helmet to the ground, and pushed past you to the balcony. Reaching out, he grabbed the railing and leaned over it, momentarily tempted to jump just to escape the pain, the nightmares.

You stood in the living room, unsure if you should go out there or just let him be.

Getting better of yourself, you went over to him. You stood idly behind him, wanting to reach out to hold him, but afraid you would hurt him even more.

"Wolffe, I-I do love you. I just want to help you. I want to help make things better..." you said quietly.

Wolffe took a deep breath and what he said next completely destroyed you, and ultimately your relationship.

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