I've Missed Your Smile~Fives

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A/N: I just realized this is my second Fives one-shot that uses Umbara, oops.
It's fluffy tho so y'all can't stay mad.
This is 50 words away from being 2000 words so have fun with that!

You loved him, you really did.

Being in love with Fives was like loving a child on spice, it's chaotic, messy, but it's worth everything to you.

Now, your relationship with him had not always been easy. Things weren't perfect and they never would be.

No matter how hard both of you tried, things always seemed to get out of hand. You never felt in control of your relationship

Being a Junior Senator from Alderaan, you worked tirelessly alongside Bail, attempting to make things right among the Republic once more.

It was no secret you and Fives were together. And it was no secret either that your relationship was difficult.

It always seemed like you never saw one another.

When you were free and in your shared apartment, Fives was almost always on a mission, ya know being an ARC trooper and all.
When Fives would miraculously receive leave, you would almost always be busy in the senate and attending the meetings. The closest Fives could get to you was by watching you from the stands of the senate, hearing you speak on behalf of those who were unable to.

No matter how chaotic Fives may seem, he always admired you and the way you stood up for yourself and others. It took special courage to do that and to not be afraid of the consequences and you did so willingly and without a second of hesitation.


One particular evening, you were speaking in the senate, sharing your concerns on the mass of slavery in the outer rim. You were pleading with the other senators to step up, to do something about the epidemic.

Fives had gotten home the night before, you waking up briefly to see him. It was a short and groggy exchange, but one that was sweet and one you would remember for the treacherous months to come.

As you were speaking, Fives was standing next to Anakin, who was, of course, there for Padme. Both men, unable to hid their lovesick faces from the others, were beyond proud of their partners.

Just as you were about to end your speech and head back with Fives to spend some much-needed time with him, he was called into the command center.

Over Anakin's comm came the voice of Rex, "General Skywalker?"

Anakin sighed deeply, knowing that whatever it was meant that he wasn't going to get to spend time with Padme. Fives looked over at him with his helmet underneath his arm, and let out a frustrated grunt, realizing the same thing, that he wouldn't be able to see you either.

"Go ahead Rex" Anakin called back, Fives glancing between him and you.

"General Kenobi needs both yourself and Fives to report to the command center immediately"

Anakin looked over at Fives and then to Padme seated not far away, "We'll be right there" he called back, sounding very obviously annoyed.

Fives looked back at you, whispered a mental I'm sorry cyare and put his helmet on, and walked out the door.

Unbeknownst to you, you wouldn't see Fives for months and you wouldn't get to say goodbye.

Reaching the command center, Fives quickly learned that the 501st would be heading to Umbara with the 212th. The battle was expected to be short with few casualties. General Skywalker promised they would be back in no time, but we all know he's wrong.

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