Chapter Eight - Friends With Benefits

Start from the beginning

"Do you mind dropping Brooke off at home before we go?" Saxon asks.

"Of course that's cool, you don't want to come to lunch with us Brooke?" I ask.

"No way I need to sleep the regret from last night off," Brooke laughs.

Part of me thinks that although she is laughing she completely regrets whatever her and Saxon did last night, but at the same time I can tell Brooke still has geniue feelings for Saxon, feelings don't just go away because people break up or fight. They stay with you and from what I can see Brooke still likes if not loves Saxon. I feel bad for her, but at the end of the day she knows what kind of guy Saxon is and what he does to girls. Saxon isn't the best boyfriend but he is hilarious when in a relationship. He's just got no clue. They get in the car and I drive Brooke home. She did not look happy when she got out of the car. Brooke's always the kind of girl that if she is angry everyone else around her needs to know and everyone needs to get out of her way. I still enjoy Brooke's friendship but only on days when she is actually in a good mood. Thankfully she is pissed at Saxon so she is nice to everyone else. She waves at she gets to her front door. Both Saxon and I wave back at her. I reverse out of her driveway and drive towards where we are going for lunch.

"What happened last night?" I ask Saxon.

"She stayed over last night we were both drunk and we fooled around just the basic," Saxon laughs.

"You do realise that she really likes you and acts like she doesn't right?" I ask.

"Yeah of course I know" Saxon replies "But Brooke and I we are pretty much finished"

"You need to stop getting with her then I know she's a pain in the ass but she's still a good person you need to tell her how you honestly feel about the whole thing" I say "You can't just have her as a piece of ass for the rest of your life"

Saxon laughs. Most probably because I said the word ass and his maturity is equal to a child in the third grade. It's funny but sometimes can get really annoying.

"I will tell her man relax" Saxon gasps.

"Good" I laugh.

"You know we are picking Dean up right?" Saxon asks.

"He didn't reply to my message though is he even awake?" I reply.

"I woke him up before you picked me up he hasn't replied to anyone's messages" Saxon says.

"Alright let's go get him he better be ready" I say.

I turn the car around and head towards Dean's house. My stomach starts to hurt because I start thinking about what the hell Riya was crying about, I wonder if she will actually tell me. Knowing Riya she won't.

We arrive at Dean's house and he gets in the car.

He walks towards my car with his shirt on back to front and sunglasses on his face. He is definitely in hung over mode and is so funny.

"Hey guys" Dean whispers.

Both Saxon and I are laughing at the state of Dean. As we drive to the place for lunch we discuss the events of last night and how much fun we actually.

We arrive at this bar/café for lunch and sit down in the outdoor area. This place is really cool. It has like an open outside bar where you order your food. We sit down at the table and look at the food menu. I feel a bit hung over today so I will probably just get a sandwich or something. There are plenty of people around it's starting to get busy. We might have to wait awhile for our food, which is going to annoy me, but there's not much I can do. I look at my phone there is still no reply for Caroline or Diana. Hopefully I hear something from one of them. Caroline is so beautiful I really want to see her again. Her cheeky bad girl ways have somehow made me think about her all night. I want her to be interested enough in me so I can see her again. After a few minutes of us talking about last night and what happened I finally decide that I should tell my best friends about Charlie and what he has done to my mom.

"Guys I have to tell you something about Charlie" I say.

They both look at each other puzzled. Although they know that Charlie is a dick they always have thought that he was a faithful man to Miranda. They are looking at me as if to say hurry up Tyler what the hell is going on. I finally blurt it out.

"When I went to Charlie's work yesterday I saw him kissing his co-worker her name is Debbie" I say.

They both just look at me with their mouths wide open. They look upset and angry.

"Well I wasn't expecting that at all" Dean says.

"I was he is such an idiot" Saxon replies.

"It gets worse he threatened me" I say, "When I got home this morning he almost punched me in the face because I said I would say something"

"That is messed up what are you going to do?" Dean asks.

"I have no idea what to do" I reply.

I actually have no idea what I am going to do. I can talk to my friends but that's about it. Who do I go to? I have no proof of any of this? What if my mother doesn't believe me and I start more trouble? Riya knows though, she heard Charlie and I talking about it but she said not to say anything at all. Will Riya back me up if I talk to mom? Or will she just say she knows nothing and I look like a liar and an idiot.

"Maybe just write down and take notes of everything that you've seen and heard from Charlie" Dean says. "All the fights, threats and even just everyday conversations"

Dean is full of such good advice I will do that when we finish here. I will monitor things for a few months and see if the situation with Charlie gets worse I will show my mother and expose Charlie for the piece of shit that he is.

"Thank you I will do that for sure" I say.

"We could just beat him up" Saxon laughs.

I laugh along with Saxon.

"Sounds good but not as simple as that and that won't fix anything," I laugh along.

"Riya was crying last night and I have no idea why" I say "Not just crying like hysterically on the floor crying"

Saxon and Dean both look weirded out. It's not everyday Riya cries she is such a strong girl, nothing ever makes her cry. So you can see why everyone would be worried. We talk about it for a little bit longer and then start talking about girls and what parties are coming up in a few weeks.

Everything will be fine. I will sort it out like an adult and everything will go back to smooth sailing. The though of my mother not knowing that Charlie has cheated really makes me sick in the stomach but I have no choice for now except to just do what Dean said and take down notes. We decide that after lunch we are going to quickly visit a friend then head home. I look at my phone and no messages from either Caroline or Diana. We finish lunch and start walking to my car. As we are walking I get a message. I pull my phone out and smile and starting giggling like a little school kid.

She messaged me. Finally she messaged me.

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