Road Trip

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Taron's P.O.V.

The journey from Aberystwyth to London was always a long and some-what boring one. The only redeeming features of the trip were the rolling Welsh mountains of past legend, then the long-stretched landscape of the much flatter England... and her. Her beauty surpassed all that surrounded us, and she had no idea. The way she bit her lip as she sat next to me, obviously deep in thought as her eyes bounced around the scenery. I reached out my hand to her and she raised a questioning eyebrow, but was smiling as she placed her small hand in mine.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, perfect," I replied, stroking the back of her hand with my thumb. It was odd that I'd noticed how soft her skin was... how nicely her hand fit in mine. I'd never thought these things  before, about anyone.

I reminded myself of all the places I've been, and all the people I've known, and I realised something. I realised that no matter how many times I travelled between Aberystwyth and London, or America or Japan, or wherever, I only ever felt at home with her... The long stretches of road were easy if she was there. She was the reason I could carry on.

"You know what..." I say, suddenly aware again that we're now sitting together at home, watching a film, and that I'd been daydreaming about our trip, "I left something in the car... I'll be back in two seconds."

I have no idea what I'm thinking, but there's some sort of plan in my head. I  grab the keys and walk to the car, hands shaking with unreadable emotions. When I get there, I just pick up whatever I can find, which turns out to be a packet of mints, and I shove two into my mouth quickly before heading back. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever thought up, but I run with it. I knock on the door.

"Forgot the key, sorry," I laugh nervously.

"You're very forgetful today," she giggles, and my heart starts to pound.  "Did you find whatever you were looking for?"

We walk further into the room as we talk, "Yep."

"What was it?"

I hold out my hand, and she stops, again giving me a questioning look before placing hers in mine. I pull her towards me, lift my other hand to the back of her head, and gently press my lips to hers. I lose all thoughts as we kiss...

I have no idea where my terrible line comes from, but when she asks "What was that for?" I whisper against her forehead, "I've been carrying it around for a long time now, and I thought I should use it..."

"Use what?" she laughs, clearly almost as nervous as me, but not backing away.

I look into her eyes, "I've been saving that kiss for you, for as long as I can remember... Waiting for the perfect moment."

She watches my face for a moment, then leans in and I find myself exactly where I want to be. Her lips are as soft as I'd imagined, but there's more fire, more passion in the kiss than I could ever have hoped for... Wherever my career takes me, I know I'll always be at home with her. And I hope our road trip together lasts...

Taron Egerton x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now