Sweet Dreams

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My tired body ached. It had been a long day of work, and I had finally decided to give up and slip into a deep sleep. My eyes were closed before my head even hit the pillow, and my body was barely covered by the blanket before I was fast asleep.

It had been like this since he'd gone away. I had to keep myself busy so I'd wouldn't worry about him, or miss him too much. I would work myself to the point of exhaustion every single day. I couldn't emotionally afford to do anything else - I couldn't allow myself to stop and think about him. It had been too long.

But I would dream. Every night, I would dream about his piercing eyes. I would dream about his lips, and I would watch as the memory of his smile formed before my eyes. That smile I loved so much. I would dream of his hands holding mine, and his body heat warming me up as I slept. I would dream it so vividly, that I often woke up believing he was there. Even as I slept now, I could feel the goosebumps as he ran his fingers over the skin of my cheek. I could almost feel his strong arms embrace me, the way that they used to. Those arms that could protect me in a way that only he knew - protect me from myself, as much as from the outside world.

Tonight, I could almost feel his hot breath on my neck. I could feel his presence, much more than I had ever been able to before. The teasing was too much for me; I had to wake up. I had to force my eyes to open, though they burned with tiredness. I couldn't move quickly enough to catch the lone tear that welled in my eye, then slipped silently down my cheek. The room was still dark - I hadn't made it through the night.

I was convinced I was awake, but I could still feel his body heat all over me. I drowsily reached to rearrange the heavy blanket on my waist, in the hopes that I could force my body to get up and get some water or something. I touched the weight on my body, to find that it wasn't my cosy blanket, but some tepid mass. An arm maybe? Another tear fell, as I felt convinced that my tired mind was playing tricks on me.

I forced my head to an angle that would allow me to see this arm. It was real.

Suddenly much more awake, I contorted myself quickly under this arm, to face the person it belonged to. My heart raced, though I still didn't believe it to be true. There he was, sleeping peacefully. I had no idea how long he'd been there, or how I hadn't noticed sooner. My body was in shock, and now tears rolled freely down my face. I reached out and touched his cheek, wanting to know that he was really there. After all this time, I had expectations of how he would feel - those expectations were shattered; this was better. His skin was warm to the touch, and his face was angelic in his resting state. He had no idea that my mind and heart were buzzing with the thought of him being back. I scrubbed the tears from my skin before cautiously pressing my lips to his forehead. I was still testing to make sure he was there.

He moved slightly under my touch. He felt real, he was home. No real thoughts formed in my mind, but it felt as though a weight had been lifted from my chest. He was home.

I knew he would be tired, but I had to wake him. I shook his arm. Slowly but surely, his eyes flitted open and met with my own. There they were - the eyes of my dreams. They widened as they saw me staring; that dreamy smile made its way to his lips, and I melted. He was finally home.

Taron Egerton x Reader One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя