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His nervousness had always been cute to me. Somehow, he always managed to look fantastic, even with sweat on his brow, fear in his eyes, and the blood draining from his face. His shaking hands always felt good in my own, because they allowed me to feel needed by him. His nervous gaze reminded me that I was one of the few people in the world allowed to see his vulnerable side this way. And this moment was no different.

This audition was for his dream role; it involved everything he had ever wanted in a job, and it was making him more nervous than I'd ever seen him before. He paced back and forth in the car park outside the audition building, wringing his hands and muttering to himself. I watched with love and worry in my own eyes, as I wished that I could take all this anxiety away from him. I wished I could time travel him to a time after the audition, so he would be able to see how well it had gone; I had no doubt at all that he would ace it.

I had known him and loved him long enough to know that he could do anything he put his mind to. I tried every tactic I knew to try to convince him of that. I reminded him of every success he'd had beforehand, and told him that I believed in him. I held his hand, and showed my confidence in him through my body language. I allowed him to voice his concerns, and I allowed him to pace, but time was running out.

I grabbed him by the shoulders and stopped his movement. I looked directly into his eyes and tried everything I could to convince him that everything was going to be okay, because he had control of this moment. He could decide what was going to happen in there.

"You don't understand," he shook his head. "Nothing has ever been so important. Nothing has ever made me this nervous. I've literally been waiting years for this chance."

As he spoke those words, I couldn't help but draw parallels between his situation and my own. I battled with myself for several moments, silently staring into his eyes. I had put this moment off for so long, but I had to make him believe that we are in charge of our own lives, and our own decisions. I had to do something that scared the crap out of me, but ultimately proved who I was, and what I was capable of.

I had to practice what I was preaching, and face my own fears of humiliation.

I looked at him for a moment longer, allowing myself to scan his face in these last moments before everything would change forever. Whatever happened, I wanted to remember the Taron I knew before this moment.

I placed my hands slowly and carefully on either side of his face and placed my lips quickly on his.

My nervousness hadn't had time to accumulate properly, so all I could feel was the rush of adrenaline as our bodies grew so close that almost all of mine was touching his. All my built-up fear disappeared slowly as I felt his lips move with mine.

All his nervous energy seemed to fade away quickly as he pulled me into him, and kissed me more deeply. Heat radiated from his body, and I knew that I had done the right thing.

As we pulled reluctantly apart, I breathed, "I've always wanted to do that."

He gave a low chuckle, and looked away for a second. He looked back, a huge grin plastered to his face. "Why?" he whispered, "Why now?"

"If I can face the fear of losing the most important person in my life today..." I stroked his cheek and placed our foreheads together. "If I can kiss you, after years of waiting and being nervous about the outcome..." I paused. "If I can risk humiliation for the chance at something great, then you can go into this audition and face that same level of fear."

He chuckled lowly, finally understanding. He pecked my lips and replied, "And if I fail horribly, at least I have something wonderful to continue when I come back out. Win-win."

I tried to laugh at his new attitude, but he quickly cut me off with another life-changing kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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