Things aren't crazy tonight because it's a Tuesday, and by midnight, things have really slowed down.

Jennifer and I are hanging out and talking because there isn't much to do, and a lot of people are lounging on the couches and making friends. Miles has always been really proud of how people seem to come together and make friends in his club, whether it be on the patio, the couches, or on the dance floor.

"Miles was saying earlier how he now has the number of some twenty three year old who he's flirting with a bit," Jennifer says, and I raise an eyebrow because Miles didn't tell me that.

"Well, he wants to find the one," I comment, taking a sip from my water bottle. "Maybe he's just daddy material."

Jennifer laughs, drinking her own water. "We both know Miles is interested in something real, though. Who knows if the kid is actually into him?"

"Miles is a-"

"Great judge of character, I know. Trust me, that's the only thing I hear around here besides Will calling you a twink most of the day."

I can't help but grin because I love my coworkers and their quips. This place is my home, and I love being here and knowing that I'm going in a direction that's good for me. Sure, someday I want to meet the perfect guy and have a partner in crime, but I'm still young and I have time.

I'm not in any rush.

"Hi, Sean!" a chirpy voice calls, and I turn to see the same guy that picked Atlas up on Saturday night. "Damn, those pants look good on you!"

I'm glad it's dark because even though I'm not really attracted to Calin in a 'I-want-to-sleep-with-you' way, I can't deny that he's cute and his comment makes me blush.

"Thanks. Can I get you something?" I ask, leaning forward against the bar.

Calin nods eagerly. "Sure! I don't know bar talk that well, but can you make me something super light and super fruity?" he asks. "I like a slight buzz, but alcohol isn't my favorite thing."

I get to work as Calin looks around the club.

"It's a nice place. Where's your boss?" Calin asks once I've served him the overly sweet concoction.

"I'm not sure. Miles usually makes the rounds to the bathroom right about now, but he's usually pretty busy."

Calin huffs. "Well, it was pretty rude of him to invite me if he isn't going to give me the attention I crave."

"He invited you?!" I exclaim, before two and two add up in my head. "Oh, so you're the twenty three year old..."

Miles makes his entrance at the bar and stands behind Calin. "I hope that drink is light," he says, and Calin shivers but looks really pleased that Miles is in close proximity to him. "I didn't ask you here in order to get you drunk."

"Why did Jennifer have to be the one to tell me that you had a thing for... well, him?"

Miles sits down next to Calin. "It never really came up. I wasn't attempting to hide it from you, though. Besides, Calin and I are just getting to know each other right now, so I invited him to the club."

"Huh," I hum, putting away some cleaned glasses. "Where's your friend?"

Calin rolls his eyes. "At home. I tried to get him to come out tonight, but he has classes to teach tomorrow morning. However, tomorrow night he's off of work and he doesn't teach on Thursdays, so do you two want to come over for a movie night? I Google-stalked this club and saw that the Ember is closed on Wednesdays..."

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