chapter 27

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We all walked out. Liam went to take a shower. I'm not sure if he was spending the night again or not.

Suddenly Luke and I were left in the living room together.

He had a huge smile on his face.

"What's got you so smily" I asked.

"Your sister no longer hates me"

We both laughed.

"Yeah she's one tough cookie."

"Yeah she is"

"Again I'm really sorry about everything. I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for degrading you, I'm sorry for making you feel like shit- everything."

He looked up with tears in his eyes.

I scooted over. "No Luke stop. We all make mistakes. The good thing is that we can learn from it and move forward. We're past that now. That was weeks ago. Don't live in the past. Let's move forward." I smiled.

"Thank you"

Gosh I feel so bad. I went and hugged him.

He was stiff at first and then hugged me back. He had a cold exterior, but on the inside he was a huge teddy bear.

"Stop and let's move forward" I whispered.

"Okay" he responded with a smile.

Liam finished and walked out. "I'm going to head to bed. I'm exhausted- those teledoc calls are a lot."

Luke laughed. "Yeah tell me about it. He stood up and they gave each other a bro hug. Liam went to the guest bedroom.

"I should probably head home. It's a bit late."

"Yeah, okay"

He got up and we walked to the door.

"Thank you again for everything. Tell you mom we loved it"

"No thank you. Now I can actually sleep at night. I needed to get it off my chest" he exhaled.

"It's okay."

I hugged him. We stayed like that for a good amount of time. For a minute there I felt safe and protected.

Fuck. Am I falling for him?

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