Hammered Ice Sickle

Start from the beginning


You know the last time Loki set foot on Midgard they hadn't even discovered electricity. To be honest the Midgards had impressed him with their current advancement in the tech tree.

"LOKI!" A voice boomed.

It wasn't Thor. It wasn't Odin. It wasn't....wait no one else ever really had spoke to him like that.

Not one that lived anyway.

The Half Naked Midgardian holding Mjölnir with green hair and a pair of eyes similar to his own had came slamming down with a burst of lightning and before I could make a single comment that damn hammer was slammed into his chest and his staff was in the hands of the Midgardian.

The hammer was recalled and slammed down onto his scepter shattering the drop of yggdrasil dew that made up his focus for his more...Trickster abilities.

"You owe me a new one!" Loki said.

"You aren't getting out of here alive ice giant!"

"Please what do you plan to do against me Midgardian?" Loki asked. Honestly he never was actually gone against anyone willing to hurt him with his brothers hammer.

"I'm gonna turn you into a fucking snow cone." The green haired Midgardian shouted.

Loki Odinson had strength. Not as much as his brother but strength. But when he had grabbed the Midgardians neck when he came in for a hit a hand had grabbed his fingers and snapped them backwards.

"Tiss but a stubbed toe." Loki hid the fact it hurt like shit well.

After being kicked over a charged hammer slammed to his codpiece had gotten the reaction the Midgardian wanted. The Fordged Gold of Nidavellir, invulnerable to nearly every weapon in the universe just got hit by the greatest weapon in the universe. The Laufeyson family jewels were struck for what loki could remember the first time of his life.

And the ice giant realized this was a serious fight.

"Ok..." Loki wheezed out stumbling to get up.

His skin turned blue as he had drawn from his frost giants blood

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His skin turned blue as he had drawn from his frost giants blood.

"Let's take this seriously." Loki said taking a breath and the breath of the frost giants, the one that started the ice age had been released.

And the figure just heated up and kept up the attack. "Shit." Loki cursed.


He honestly didn't know what to do right now.

His original goal of find his damn hammer had kinda never went beyond that. Thor had seen a windstorm kick up surrounding the area to prevent interference.

"Who the fuck is that?!" Darcy shouted.

"I don't know." Thor said "I need to stop this."

"Are you sure that's even possible?" Jane asked "He's got your hammer and is strong enough to break your brothers fingers. I think we should wait for the heros to send help."

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