23: Knowledge is power pt.1

Start from the beginning

After six consexcuitive matches between us four, we made it to the 100th floor, and I happily make my and Leo's room for the time being.

"Wow! This place is so big!" I say in awe as I walk in. Leo laughs a little before clearing his throat.

"Moriko, remember that if you drop below the hundredth floor, you lose this room, otherwise you get to keep the room. Well until the two-hundredth, but you also get special treatment above the hundredth floor." Leo explains and I nod before going back to grinning. This is so cool! Then I frown remembering what Killua said about that one guy and Ren.

"Hey, Leo. Do you know anything about this Ren thing?" I ask.

"Nope but we can go find Gon and Killua and see if they can introduce us to Zushi and his master." Leo suggests, a little too quickly, and I give him a look that says, I know your hiding something but fine.

"No need to find us we're already here." Killua says as he barges into the room. This irks me and I glare at him.

"Has anyone ever told you its rude to walk into a room without knocking?" I ask with a smile.

"Its your first time here as well Moriko right?" Killua asks, changing the subject. I sigh and decide to let it go.

"Yep." I answer, popping the 'p'.

"Wow. I'm jealous. My first time here, it took me two whole months to reach floor one-fifty. But you two did it in two weeks."

"You were also six Killua." Gon mentions and I nod.

"You're older now and Gon isn't six, so you can't really compare. Oh, and since your here can you introduce us to Zushi and his master?"

"Sure. We were actually about to go and ask Zushi about Ren." Killua tells me and I smile.

"Then lead the way twirp." Leo mutters. I sigh and follow Gon out the door, finally deciding to ignore the two idiots.


I nervously play with my sleeve as Gon and killua talk with this Zushi kid. Not to much to look at. Also who wears dojo clothes anymore? I hide behind Killua and grab the back of his shirt, hoping he keeps being my wall.

"So who are they?"Zushi asks and I wince.

"Oh, sorry. These are our friends. This is Leo and the one hiding behind Killua is Moriko. Their also intrested in this Ren thing and we were wondering if you would tell us what it is." Gon says and Zushi smiles at us.

"Oh, its you! I saw your last match! You're really strong Moriko. And ya I can tell you guys what it is." Zushi says and we sit in front of him. Except for Leo who stares boredly out the window. Zushi then starts to go into Ren and I just start to doze off.

"Zushi! Do you believe that you are qualified enough to teach them about Nen?" Someone scolds and I jump in fright, while pulling out my dagger. However, I didn't notice that I ripped a little of Killuas shirt.

"Its okay Moriko." Gon says and I blink before relaxing.

"I am so sorry about that. I get jumpy when someone surprises me when I'm dozing off. My name is Moriko, the bored guy by the window is my friend Leo. We are here with Gon and Killua because they told us about this thing you call Ren. I hope you don't mind us being here." I apologize and bow.

"Its quite alright. You can sit back down.My name is Wing, and I'll be willing to tell you about Nen, which Ren is a part of. Nen(flame) is your strenth within. You can strengthen Nen with the four exercises training. First is Ten. Focus the mind of a single point, then reflect on the self and determine the goal. Second is Zetsu. This is taking that thought and putting it into words. Next is Ren(temper). This intensifies your will, and lastly is Hatsu(release). You are releasing it into action. For instance. Killua, I'm going to kill you." Wing tells us and in a matter of seconds he gets scary. My eyes widen in fear and I watch out of the corner of my eye as Killua disappears and reappears in the corner . I swallow and then just like it came it was gone. Then as though my body took a big hit I feel myself falling over and my eyes close.

"Moriko!" Is the last thing I hear before I succumb to the darkness.

Third Person

Everyone watches as the young girl falls to the ground. Killua quickly gets over the fear he just felt and quickly catches her. "Moriko!" Killua yells and tries to wake her but to no avail. He then look and glares at Wing, "What did you do?!"

"I did nothing. This shouldn't have affected her since it wasn't aimed at her. But she felt my nen as well as you." Wing tells him. He was confused. This has never happened to him before. He wasn't even targeting the girl, unless... He looks over at a bored Leo, with a questioning gaze.

"No I didn't do it. I couldn't do that to her. She'd kill me. Plus I was specifically told not to tell her anything about Nen." Leo shrugs before going and taking her from Killua, but Killua wasn't having it.

"Don't touch her!" Killua growls.

"Killua. We have a match to go to. Let Leo take her back to their room. " Gon suggests, putting a calm hand on Killuas shoulder. Gon understands the anger Killua is feeling towards Leo right now. He knew about Nen and pretended not to know, but it wouldn't get them anywhere if they were to start a unwanted fight.

"She should only be out for a hour, and she doesn't have a match for another two hours. Plus I think it was her worry for you that got to her." Leo tell him. Killua just grumbles and hands over Moriko.

"If you drop her, I'll kill you." Killua whispers in Leos ear. Leo just shrugs it off before leaving the room. At least he didn't tell him that another reason why she fainted is because she hasn't had any sleep, but they don't need to know that. Or should he have?


Yes! Hi! I'm back I know. Its been so long! I am so sorry! I have finally got the motivation to write again, and let me tell ya its been a hard year. Also for those in America, happy Thanksgiving! Though I probably won't publish this until afterwards. Anyways, I'm here to let you know that I'm going to start posting chapter either once every week or once every other week. Since its been a long time I want to start to get back in the grove, and I did promise you guys that I wouldn't just leave, and let this be dead weight. Nope. I'm too proud of it. Also a reminder THIS IS UNEDITED. I have decided to post chapters to a certain point, then I'm going to take time to edit the chapters.

I also want to thank everyone who has read this Fanfic. Thank you for the comments, and the votes! So to get some conversations,hopefully going, here are some questions.

1. Who is your favorite character in HxH?

2. Do you ship anyone in HxH?

3. In this fanfic so far, who would you ship Moriko with?

4. Who is your favorite character in this fanfic?

5. What other animes do you like?


6. What other animes would you like to see me write a fanfic about?

Please comment, vote, and follow. I am always happy to hear from you guys! And again thank you everyone who is giving this fanfic a try!

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