7. I Got My Driver's License Last Week...

Start from the beginning

She giggled as she opened the truck door and climbed inside. She pushed the key into the ignition making the truck turn on.

She checked to make sure everything looked right before putting the stick into drive. She placed her hands on the wheel smiling.

It was like it fit perfectly with her fingers. She pulled away from where the truck was parked and drove it to the exit of the car dealership right behind her brothers car.

She quickly pulled her ph ol ne out and called her brother, "Hey I'm going to go see Rin."

"Kay just be back before lunch," he replied. Then he hung up. When he turned right she turned left and made her way to Rin's house.

She drove around town eventually pulling up in her friends driveway. After waiting a minute she saw the door open and Rin walked out arms crossed over her chest.

"I thought it was you," she said with a smile. "I'd recognize those tits anywhere."

Azami chuckled and drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. "Isn't it amazing? Do you like my truck? It's from America."

"Yeah its cool," Rin said. "Can't wait till you can drive me to school."

"Haha," Azami deadpanned. "Good luck with that. It has to be like six months before I can have one person with me."

Rin smiled, "Yeah I know. It's just I'm tired of mom taking me to school. And it's not like I have a choice it's what the stupid court decided."

Rin's parents had divorced to Rin's delight since her mom was a menace but the court ruled that she would have to stay with her mom during the school year.

"Sorry Rinnie," Azami said. "You could always ask Keishin."

"He would not," she chuckled. "You'll never know unless you ask," Azami replied with a shrug. "I should be going though. It was good to see you Rin."

"Wait before you leave," Rin said. "How did your little date go?"

Azami giggled like a madman, "It was amazing. For like the first five minutes there really wasn't anything to do but then his friend invited me to play a game with him and then we went to lunch."

"Who you and the friend or..?" Rin asked.

"Me and the hot guy Rin," Azami said. "But then as we were heading back to his apartment, he asked me to go somewhere with him tomorrow."

"Sounds like fun," Rin said. "I hope you have fun."

She gave Rin a kiss on the cheek and backed out of her friends driveway. The drive back to her house was long but it was worth it when she saw Suga sitting in the middle of the driveway.

"Kou-kun what are you doing?" She asked once she got out of her truck. He stood up and without a word placed his head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his waist bringing him into a hug.

"Are you okay Koushi?" She asked. He sighed against her shoulder. "Here get in the truck."

He lifted his head and made his way to the passenger seat. She got in the driver's seat and turned the car on. She pulled out of the driveway and made her way to the store.

She parked in front of the store and the two got out. She dragged him inside past her brother who gave her a look and into the back room. She made him sit and made him tea.

"Ok," she said finally. "The heck is wrong with you?" Thankfully Suga wasn't crying which meant it wasn't the worst.

"Azami," Suga said in a small voice. He paused taking a sip of his tea. "Legolas died."

Azami gasped immediately placing her hand on Suga's back in comfort. "Koushi I had no idea I'm so sorry. Have you planned the funeral yet?"

Suga shook his head. Azami nodded. It was a big deal. "Do you want my help?" He nodded this time.

-timeskip brought to you by Legolas-

"Lady and gentlemen we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of Legolas beloved family member and Iguana of Koushi Sugawara," Azami said to the crowd of the Karasuno High boys volleyball team and Kiyoko.

They were all sitting outside the volleyball gym with a small wooden casket, Legolas inside.

"Known and loved by few, Legolas was a very amazing Iguana with many talents," Azami said.

"We're seriously having a funeral for a lizard?" Tsukishima asked. All of the third years and Tanaka looked back at Tsukishima who was now confused.

"Um listen french fry Legolas here was like the teams mascot," Azami said.

"Yeah," Tanaka told him. "I remember in my first year, he always came to like every single game we had."

"He has been with us third years throughout high school," Asahi chuckled.

"And I was hoping he would at least hold out till the end if this year," Suga said trailing off.

Azami frowned and gave Suga a hug. "Do you want to bury him?" She asked. He nodded as the third years stood up. They had decided to bury him outside the gym as a memorial.

He grabbed the small coffin that the lizard was in and they made their way over to the hole that they had previously dug up. Suga set the coffin in the hole with a sniff and Azami and Daichi threw rose petals on it before covering the wood with dirt.

Azami wiped her hands of the excess dirt and patted Suga's back. Once they made their way back to the rest of the group Suga clapped his hand together with a smile.

"Great. Now that that's over let's get to practice," he said.

"I thought we were mourning!" Hinata said. Azami glanced at Suga trying to hide her smile.

"We did," Daichi said. "Legolas wouldn't want us looking back on his death sadly. Were honoring his memory."

Tsukishima blinked and sighed before walking past everyone and into the gym followed by Yamaguchi.

Azami chuckled as she walked into the gym with Daichi Suga and Asahi.

-timeskip brought to you by Legolas may he rest in peace-

Azami was bored. She hadn't anticipated practice to end so soon so now she was in her room with nothing to do.

She plopped down on her bed phone in hand and sighed. There had to be something that she could do. After all someone had to have been doing something.

She unlocked her phone and searched through her contacts. Rin would probably with Mikoto. Daichi and Suga were having a sleepover and she knew what that meant. The only person who seemed legible to call was Kuroo. But why would he be awake at this ungodly hour of eleven o clock at night.

Then her phone vibrated in her hand. Kuroo was calling. She pressed the call button and stuck it to her ear. "Hello?"

"Hey," he said. "I didn't wake you right?"

"Nope," she said. "I was actually about to call you."

"Oh? What a coincidence," he chuckled. "But about tomorrow. I still dont have my motorcycle and the neighbors need their car. We're going to have to postpone it."

"Actually," Azami said. "I got a car today so I can just pick you up."

"Well well well," Kuroo said. "Then I look forward to being picked up by you."

Azami chuckled,"Yep. So uh, goodnight I guess."

"Good night Azami," he said. "See you tomorrow."

I'm tired and I'm sorry. I meant to progress more on this so I apologize for not. No inspiration and I have been busy despite it being summer. I have no idea when I'll update next. Please bare with me. Please stay safe and healthy. I love you all!


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