7. I Got My Driver's License Last Week...

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"Ready Shortstack?" Keishin asked as he pulled into the driver's license office place.

With a deep breath she nodded and the two of them got out. She had gotten her learners already and she was a little nervous to get her license.

The two Ukai's walked up to the building and through the double doors toward the desk. Since her brother was an adult he would be doing all of the paperwork.

After filling everything out, Azami was ready to take the driving test.

She followed her instructor to the back room where she was handed a pair of keys and led outside.

She got inside the car another person with a clipboard sitting in the passenger's seat.

A few questions were asked and she was finally ready to start. Thankfully for her she had practiced a lot with her brothers car. She pulled out of the license building parking lot and into the road.

After driving for a few miles she turned at a light as instructed. She was told to switch lanes, park, parallel park, make turns, and all the stuff she needed to be able to drive.

Finally they went back to the license plate and Azami had to go back to the waiting room.

"How do you think you did?" Her brother asked. She shrugged, "It wasn't really as hard as I thought it would be."

"It's because you had a great teacher," he replied smiling proudly.

"You're right," she said. "I am a great teacher. Thanks for the compliment Bratushka."

"Shut up Half-pint," he chuckled ruffling her hair. After a few minutes which felt like hours she was approached by the guy who rode in the car with her.

"Ms. Ukai?" He asked. Azami stood up as he stopped in front of her. "Congratulations." He handed her a little card with her picture on it as well as all of her information. She took it from him with a smile.

"Thank you so much," she said. "You have no idea how much this means to me." He smiled and bowed heading back to his office.

"Nice goin Shortstack," her brother said standing. She gave him a high five as they left the building. "Hey Keishin can I drive?"

"No," he said.

"Aw c'mon," she whined. "I deserve to be able to."

"No your good," her brother replied. "But we can go car shopping."

They hopped in her brother's tiny yellow car as he drove to a car dealership. Once arrived Azami hopped out and began looking for cars.

"What about this one?" She asked placing her hand on top of a sleek black one.

Her brother shook her head, "Nope. Too expensive."

Azami huffed a sigh and continued her searched. She spotted a silver car and pointed it out. The two made their way over to it.

"Again. Too expensive," her brother sighed. "It's not like you're going to get a really good one right now. We don't really have that much money."

Azami sighed and began her search in the used car section. Why were japanese cars so small and compact. She searched until she found it.

The perfect car.

"Excuse me sir," she said calling the salesman over. "Is this vehicle for sale?"

"That is a special truck that was imported from America," the guy said. "Its been on sale but no one has bought it."

It was a simple grey truck with a few scuff marks but it was perfect to Azami. She looked to her brother and he nodded, "We'll take it."

After paperwork was signed and money was payed Azami was handed a key. The key to her knew fancy American truck.

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