🤗🤗 Getting Close 🤗🤗

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4 months later.... 

Saifah's POV

After a busy week at school it was finally Friday and I invited Zon over to my house

We also had a test on Monday, we use to study for it

Aside from that I really felt something for Zon but I just couldn't tell him yet

It was just too early, we just barely know each other

I noticed a locket on his neck

I was curious about it but I just didn't ask him

" That's a nice locket "

" Thanks

My parents got it for me

It's very important to me"

" Nice "

We settled in my room for some privacy and focused on our studying

I heard a low grumble an hour and a half into our study time

I looked at Zon and he blushed

"S...Sorry I didn't get a proper lunch

Natee wanted to but a present for Zen it's their 2nd anniversary and he dragged me along "

" I didn't ask but you sure do look cute "

I chuckled and pinched his dimpled cheek

" Come with me"

I took his not so surprising, soft hand, helped him up and went to the kitchen

" I'm a little hungry myself

Studying makes me hungry most of the time "

He nodded and watched as I cooked

I noticed every one of his movements and I could tell he was checking me out more than the food

I placed his plate in front of him

" How is it ?"

" Really hot "

He said in a daze while looking at me

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He said in a daze while looking at me

" Zon?"

" I ...I mean t...thank you "

I chuckled

Gosh he was cute

We both ate and threw in a conversation mostly about the test or what might come on it

" Why hello there?"

" Hey Mom ? "

She kissed my cheek

" How are you?"

" Just alright though you look like a busy bee"

" Well work is still piling up and.....oh goodness me

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