😎Hey You ! 😎

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Zon's POV

I woke up and got ready for school

College was something I was looking forward to,

My second year though I did my first online, luckily they never declined

Call me crazy


my cousin uncle MD's son ,  and I went together with my dropping us off

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my cousin uncle MD's son ,  and I went together with my dropping us off

I walked into my hallway faculty of engineering and someone bumped into me making drop my stuff

I turned back to see who it was and he was already gone

I picked up my stuff and off to my first class

I introduced myself and just as class was about to start, someone came in

" You better have an explanation for your tardiness "

" I had to get my report back from home "

" Just sit and let the class begin"

The man sat down beside me

" Hie?"

" Hello"

" I'm sorry about earlier

I should have helped you out but I had to get this report here or she would have killed me "

" That's alright

At least you said something "

Class went on well


Lunch time was my favorite I got my tray and sat down at an empty table

I dug into my food not caring about anyone else

" don't you know this table isn't for regular trash like yourself ?"

" Obviously not

Look at him anyway

He doesn't look in anyway classy "

I was very much aware of what they were trying to do

This wasn't a movie and they disturbed the wrong person at the wrong time

" Did not you hear us?

Get up from the table now !"

I was so done

I slammed my hands on the table and got up to face them

They were smirking and I could tell everyone was ready for a show

" It's lunch time "

" Of course we know that "

" It's a college"

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