Keres immediately huffed and gave me a glare for my attempt at a charming remark. Typically I had high fae and Illyrian women alike that would fall over themselves on a line like that. Keres seemed almost annoyed at the remark. Her disbelief left her face at my comment, and she snipped back with a cat-like grin, "the sentiment is not shared, Nyx." The flush had returned around her cheeks, and I felt excited by the knowledge I could charm her into a blush. Not even her scathing remark of disinterest could damper my smirk at her reaction.

I changed topics to spare her embarrassment. I asked her with true interest this time, "You know of the rebellion forming in the court systems?" She nodded instantly, her bright blue gaze focusing as I said, "My inner circle is looking to find and abolish them. None of the courts are taking this threat seriously, and after the threat on my family, they ought to." I saw the recognition in Keres's eyes as she said, "None of the high lords understand the danger. They have always had people after them, but this is different. It's an uprising calling for anarchy."

I nodded, knowing my magic was churning angrily under my skin. It felt like an inch I needed to scratch. I needed a release of my magic here soon before I randomly exploded a building. I shook off the uncomfortable feeling, though as I said, "That day you stopped the intruders, the reason my court was together was to discuss the rebellion. We've been monitoring it for some time, but we never got the sense of how large it had grown." Keres nodded seriously as she said, "They've grown quickly. I have my own people looking into different leads in other courts, but I haven't gotten much so far."

She probably didn't realize the slip of her tongue, but I recognized it. Apparently, she had some people she could trust that none of her affiliates knew about. She probably kept them well hidden to prevent possible manipulation.

     It sounded like she could potentially have her own inner circle, besides her advisers and family. I wonder who she trusted enough that she would send them to investigate into a group that threatens her family. Something that serious would only be for a small group she truly trusted. When I thought about it, it made sense why she took out the rebels' attack on my family. She probably didn't have enough people she could trust to get the job done, so she did it herself.

    Keres paused, and her voice shook me from my thoughts. Her face was suddenly confused as she said, "I don't understand why you want my help, Nyx? You're from the Night Court. Seeing as you guys tend to do things without asking for help, shouldn't you be doing this on your own?" I instantly knew what she was talking about. My parents had tricked and stolen from the Summer Court in the past to help win the war. Since then, our reputation in the courts isn't evil but independent and unreliable. Potentially even sneaky, given how confused Keres seemed.

    I didn't want to admit that part of the reason for working with Keres was rational, while the other reason is that I wish to spend time with her. It was selfish, but I wanted to make sure she is safe. With this pulsing bond between us, it worried me increasingly that she was out of reach. I couldn't protect her from miles away, but I could if we worked together to end this.

I nodded to let Keres know I understood her concern and said, "Typically in the past, my court tends to work independently, but it's been decided that we need help from other areas." Keres nodded before she questioned me after a second of thought, "Independent seems to be an understatement. It seems that your court is untrusting of everything other than themselves. I only question why you want me to be a part of this as traditional your so secretive. Will I be just an informational tool or an actual member?"

A Court of Distrust and DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now