✧ way too early ✧

Start from the beginning

You got up and quickly came behind the driver and shot him behind the head. The driver fell to his knees and collapsed onto the floor blood pooling out of his head.

"I'm not the one who has to worry about being hurt buddy." you said moving a piece of hair out of your face.

"What the fuck!?!" A man said stepping out of the car. He wore a bird mask and a different suit than the other drivers. This has to be the leader. You let out a sigh and cocked your gun towards the boss who was in front of you.

"Let's get this over with Ricket." you said with an annoyed voice. All you wanted to do was go and sleep.

"So how's life been grandpa? Horrible, I hope." you said walking closer to him.

"What's going on here?! And who are you?!"

"Oh was it not obvious? I'm gonna kill you dumbass." You said shrugging your shoulders. You walked closer to Ricket and harshly grabbed him by the face and brought it closer to your gun.

"Do you think selling illegal drugs and trafficking woman is something to be proud of?" you asked squeezing his face harder and staring into his soul. He didn't respond which angered you even more.

You harshly gripped his face and threw him onto the concrete floor. It made you laugh that one of Americas most feared man is getting his ass kicked by a college student, you couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh you're pathetic." you said laughing to yourself.

"Man if you're gonna die atleast try to fight for your life better." you said with a giggle.

"You bitch! You can't destroy the legacy I built for years!" Ricket exclaimed on the floor. "Without me alive you'll never be able to find those girls."

"Funny you say that, because I just recieved the location to your warehouse and I'm sending it to the police right now." you said looking down at your phone. You sent the text to the police and Rickets eyes widened in shock.

"Man I'm tired, but I can't end your fate just yet." you said with a yawn as you looked down at Ricket.

"You coward! You can't even kill me!" Ricket said laughing.

"Oh let me more specific."

"I'm not gonna kill you, my grenade will!" You said bringing a hand grenade out of your pocket.

You started walking away from Ricket and dropped the grenade once you passed his horrid face. You walked out of the area and behind you the whole area exploded into pieces with Ricket inside of it.

"I'm so hungry." You said holding your stomach and looking down at your phone with tired eyes. Unfortunately the time was 4:00 am now and every fast food place was closed.

"And I have school in 4 hours, great." you said rolling your eyes.

You had to catch the nearest train back to college but first you gotta change out of your vigilante outfit, don't want anyone catching the infamous vigilante late at night.

You headed over to an abandoned alley and quickly changed out of your clothes putting regular pajamas on. It's 4 am and you had no time to be changing into a cute outfit. You put your old clothes into a bag and ran out of the alley towards the main road being careful to avoid late night creeps.

You hopped onto the nearest subway that lead you back to Shiganshina University. The train was empty since it was 4 am so you found a nice seat and sat down in a comfy position. You checked your phone to see that there were 8 missed calls from your roommate Sasha.

Fuck. I forgot to give her an excuse on why I wouldn't be at the dorm tonight. You let out an annoyed groan and quickly began to text her.


Sorry i'm not at the dorms sash i went out with some friends tonight ;(


bitch you had me fucking worried

just tell me next time, you're always out so late these days


im sorry i've just been so busy, dw im coming back rn


okay well im going to sleep cya!


night sash<3

A lot of people are probably wondering why you're living a double life. A broke college student and a crime fighting vigilante.

To put it lightly, it's complicated. There's a lot more to your story than what meet's the eye.

You let out a sigh and placed your phone back into your pocket. You hated lying to your friends especially Sasha, she was your best friend for 6 years. But keeping your identity unknown is crucial for being a vigilante. If anything happened to your friends or family you could never forgive yourself.

You hopped off the train when it had arrived at your destination. You slipped your mask onto your face secretly just incase any trouble was nearby. The mask I use is the key for my identity to stay secret.

If I make one small slip up then my secret is out. That's why I wear it.

I'd like to keep my identity a secret, thank you very much.

I know what I got myself into when taking this job. But I every step and every move I make is carefully thought out.

I work when the city is asleep and the criminals are awake. I take the streets with no security cameras. I take the subway routes that nobody else takes. Someone being one step ahead of me is impossible. I make sure of it.

Or so I thought.

What I never realized was that even the impossible can become possible sometimes.

And that's where this story begins.

° 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂 ♡ 𐐪𐑂 °

To be continued..

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(btw this is the expandable cable bungee belt and y/n will use it in the next chapter! if you watched totally spies you'll get it

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(btw this is the expandable cable bungee belt and y/n will use it in the next chapter! if you watched totally spies you'll get it.)

Behind The Mask | e. jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now