Aphrodite is the Dark Lord?

Start from the beginning

He smiles then nods. "Good,now lets continue with the last Dragon Slaying Magic element to use need to master, and its Fire Dragon Slaying. So we need to go to Igneel today." I frown at the mention of Igneel...he was Natsu's dad or foster parent.

"You ok Lucy?" Spada ask with concern. I nodded and looked at the floor suddenly interested at my shoes.

"Remember you can tell me anything."

"Well Igneel reminds me of a person I thought was my friend, and he caused me to never trust anyone again until I met you." I whispered.

"Who was this person?" Spada asked.

"H-his name was N-Natsu Dragneel." I sniffled.

"Lucy he might have hurt you,but that's not important...the important thing is that you overcome these obstacles. They might slow you down but that doesn't mean you can get up and try again." Spada says. I hug him and he gets stiff until he hugs me back. (A/N I feel like I made a new quote...I deserve a trophy or a medal. And I made a father-daughter moment! Yay me!)

"T-thanks Spada." I wipe the tears out of my eyes.

"Anytime." He responds as we hug under the moon.

~end of dream~

"Man memories suck." I smile sadly.

"But it was a good lesson to learn." I look up and see the same moon that shone on that day. Sadly,that was one of the good moments that I might never relive again,but I know Spada is somewhere and I will find him...someday.

I put my hand on my heart. "I can't wait to see you again Spada."


"Ssssssssssss." The snake hisses.

"Hey little snake." I kneel down to see the snake. It had gray metallic scales and golden eyes. I try to touch the snake again,but it snaps at me.

"Hey hey calm down." It calms down, and I pet the snakes head. The smooth scales were cold like the metal on a scythe.

"You remind me of Spada." I requip into Snake Charmer Armor. I had a robe that was made of purple scales that reached my ankles, I had on purple sandals on my feet, and a purple was pressed against my lips as I played the Snake Charmers Symphony. The snakes head swayed side to side as if it were dancing. When I was done with the song I laced my arm on the ground, and the snake slithered up my arm. The snake rested on my head and we walk toward the guild.

"Hey are you a boy or a girl?" I ask,but the snake just looks blankly at my as it wraps around my arm.

"I know you can talk." I eyed the snake.

"How did you know?" A male voice ask in my head.

"You special your differnet from other snakes...it was pretty obvious. Like your scale color and eyes." I explain.

"I also know you can fly and fight just like Cubellious."

"Who are you human?" The snake questions.

"I'm Lucy Heartfillia and princess of the Dragon Realm. What's your name?"

"I'm Scales and I'm a half-breed of a snake and exceed. I have special powers that snakes nor exceeds have." He said.

"Well since where done introducing ourselves, do you want to become my partner?" I ask.

He tilts his head "R-really, your not doing this because of my power."

"Of course not I think we can be good friends and allies if we work together." I say truthfully.

"Then I Scales swear to be Lucy's friend and partner for as long as I live and in the afterlife." Scales promises.

"And I Lucy Heartfillia swear to be Scales's friend and partner for eternity." I swear.

I swear if snakes could smile Scales would be smiling right now.


"Hello Mira." I greet to the white haired woman behind the bar counter as she washes dishes.

"Oh hello Lucy and who is that on your arm?" She ask.

I look down on my arm "This is Scales and he's my new friend and partner for all eternity."

"Well Scales. Do you want to be a member of Fairy Tail."

"Yes if I may." He responds.

"Well talk to master then come down here to get your guild insignia." Mira explains.

"Ok lets go Scales."


~Master's PoV~

I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!"

I see Lucy in her Celestial Scythe Armor and a snake the size of her arm slithering next to her.

"Hello my child what do you need." I ask.

"Well Scales here wants to become a member of Fairy Tail." Lucy explains.

"Is he with you?" Lucy nods.

"Then of course!" Lucy smiles and I call Mira to give Scales a insignia.

"What color and were?" Mira ask.

"What color do you have?" Scales looks at Lucy.

"Gold." She responds.

"Well I want gold on my back." Mira places the stamp on Scales back and when it was released there was a golden Fairy Tail mark on his metallic scales.


~Lucy's PoV~

"Listen up brats,we have a new member of Fairy Tail and his name is Scales!" Makarov announces.

I pick up Scales and put him on top of my head. "Hello everyone." Scales says.

"W-what he can talk!" The guild exclaims.

"Of course he can! He's Scales a bad ass snake!" I cheer.

"Lets party for Lucy's partner Scales!" Everyone starts drinking and talking until someone starts a fight then everyone starts fighting.

They never change. I sweat drop when I see everyone fighting each other.

"Lucy watch out!" Everyone yells. I summon my Celestial Scythe and break the table that was about to hit me.

"Who threw that?" I ask. Everyone points at Gray and Natsu while there still calling each other names.


"Flame brain!"


I grab both of them by the head and they stop fighting.

"Oh hey Lucy." Gray and Natsu say simutainiously.

"Don't ever throw a table at me again." I growl so low that only Gray and the Dragon Slayers heard me.

"Y-yes mam'!"

"Good lets continue the party!" I yell and everyone cheers.

"Lets go home." I tell Scales.

"Yeah parting not my strong suit." He says as we walk home in the forest.

A Fallen Star's Weapon (Nalu FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now