𝗮𝘀 𝗶𝗳 𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁

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Sorry y'all this is kind of short but uh here :)



We sat in the HMS Pogue, docked in front of Ward Cameron's house. The sun had already set, and the stars were beginning to show.

Pope stood by the side of the boat, leaning so far forward he was almost falling out of the boat. He had a pair of binoculars and was searching the inside and front yard of the large mansion that sat far in front of us.

The Cameron's house was completely lit up from the inside, the golden glow coming from the chandelier spreading across the whole entry room. The house was practically made of windows, which would usually be super creepy, but in this case, it worked to our advantage.

"So, what now? We just go up to the front door and ask, 'Hey, have you seen John B?'" JJ says in a joking way, but I can hear the seriousness that coated his voice.

"Look, he lives at Tannyhill now, it's plausible. We can play dumb." Kie says, justifying her point as to why we were here in the first place.

"Play dumb?" JJ questions her.

"It's pretty late." Pope tries getting in, but the two ignore him.

"I've never seen John B like that. We should honestly be going to the-" I began, but stopped before I let the word leave my mouth.

Am I, out of all people, suggesting we actually go to the police?

"We can't go to them, Z. What would we say? 'We're worried about our friend because he's on a rampage because Ward killed Big John'?" JJ sounded unsure of the words coming out of his mouth. "They're not gonna believe us." JJ says quietly, eyeing the water.

"Hey, I see Ward." Pope chirps.

A wave of relaxation settles over me when I realize that John B didn't use the gun, at least not on Ward.

JJ rushes over to him, the boat shaking with each step.

"Doesn't look dead to me. Come on, let's go." Pope says, bringing down the binoculars and walking towards the captains seat.

"Wait, what?" Kies sharp voice causes Pope to halt.

"Uh.. okay. Obviously, Mr. Cameron is fine, and even if John B was here, he isn't now, okay?" Pope explains.

"Plus, I have the biggest, most important moment of my life in six hours." He adds.

It was true. Tomorrow was his scholarship interview, and being up this late could seriously fuck him up. That can't be our fault.

"Yeah, we'll, our friend is in trouble." Kie snaps, anger lacing her voice.

"I'm in trouble. Guys, I haven't been home in three days. My dad's probably put all my shit on the street by now." Pope says.

"Okay, so that's it? In a time of need, you're just gonna bail? You're just gonna walk away?" Kies voice getting angrier with every sentence.

"Okay, yo, guys, can we not do this right now?" JJ says, walking away from the side of the boat and sitting on the bow with me. He throws his arm over my shoulder, his warm golden skin pressed against mine.

"Hey, I have a scholarship interview in the morning, I can't-" Pope begins, clearly ignoring JJs request.

"Okay, well what about John B?" Kie asks.

Pope rolls his eyes and sighs. "Why is it always about John B?"

Kie hesitates. "It's not always about John B. You're so stupid. It would be about any of you in this situation!" She gets out.

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