Chapter 5e - How do I handle this?

Start from the beginning

When she looked back at Dan, he gave her a slight smile and nodded in Shanna's direction, *Mari I know you are terrified right now and I respect that. At least go and see her and talk to her if she is awake. Just because you recognize her as your mate doesn't mean you have to do anything sexual or intimate right this moment.* He stood up and moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her, *Take a chance on this being a good thing. Someone to love and to be loved by, the moon goddess rarely ever makes a mistake.* He gave her a gentle nudge.

When Dan pulled her into a hug Mari leaned against him and shivered in reaction to what she was feeling. Eventually Mari looked up at him and grabbed his hand so he would come with. With Dan next to her she could at least see the girl. If he wasn't Mari honestly wasn't sure if she could handle the stress, *Please?*

Dan smiled at her, *All you need do is ask, I am here for you Marissa. Just so you know she is a were-cat and her Pride Leader will be here soon. Chances are good that she is going to spend the night for observation and some additional tests.* Since Mari had grabbed his hand Dan stepped through an opening in the curtain and pulled her through as well, "Go to her and have a seat. Inhale her scent and listen to your wolf. Trust her to guide you well."

Mari slowly and tentatively moved towards the girl and carefully sat down on the edge. Before she realized it she had wrapped her hand around Shanna's. When she did that tingles started up her arm and she simply couldn't let go. Before she realized it she had leaned forward and ran her nose along Shanna's neck. The scent was so very calming, it almost forced her to relax more than she had been for a very long time. As the scent started impacting on her she settled her head on Shanna's shoulder and simply lay there.

Dan had to smile and when he heard Joachim approaching he stepped out of the room. He held a hand, in a non-threatening way, up as he spoke, "My Little Wolf is with Shanna right now. I need to talk to you briefly before we go in so you have an idea of what is going on with Marissa." Once he was done talking he lowered his hand and waited.

Joachim paused for a moment though the hand being held in his way bothered him. The one thing that kept him from knocking the hand away was he did get along reasonably well with the Alpha. They had both been neighbors for years and had long since worked out several treaties, "Let me just peak in and then we can talk. I need to check on her first." He knew that Dan would understand that.

Dan nodded and it only took a moment for the other to check on Shanna and then came back, "There is an office over there we can talk in." They walked over together and into the office. It was just for this sort of meeting when supernaturals were involved. Dan closed the door and sat down across from the Tiger, "I am not going to tell you everything since much of it is Mari's story to tell. What I am telling you has to remain between the two of us."

Joachim listened to him and watched Dan's body posture. Were-cat's nose's weren't as good as Were-wolves, so they tended to use their ears and excellent vision to detect lies and other emotions. In this case what Dan was saying rang true, "I will listen but if it starts getting into anything that might concern the Pride I will tell you. I will ensure what is said is kept between the two of us." They didn't bother shaking since that wasn't how they handled it.

Dan nodded since that was a reasonable and normal response, "Thank you for that and it shouldn't impact on your Pride. Or I should say not as in a danger but I think you will understand. Mari was molested by her father when she was thirteen. It continued till she ran away at sixteen. She ended up as a teen hooker to survive. At this point she met a friend of mine who was working to get her off the street. Before that could happen she was taken by a rogue I hadn't known about."

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